Monday, February 26, 2018

Whatever Floats Your Boat

Photos of boats located along the shore in Sibulan, Negros Oriental Philippines.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Trump's Military Parade

Everything has become so predictable. This is especially true regarding any and all reactions to President Trump.One group will support the President, regardless of what he says or does. Likewise, another group will attack Trump as a matter of course.

The Trumpanistas probably would support the POTUS if he committed a murder on Times Square and the Leftist anti-Trumpists would attack him even if he favored something which they had supported themselves.

Folks like myself, who try to remain objective, will not receive slack from either side should we say something even slightly for or against the President.

It came as no surprise to me when I received an email from alerting me to a petition against Trump's plan to have a military parade and anyone who reads Mark Shea already knows how he'd react to the parade.

Just as we all know that the folks at the would love the idea of a military parade, we all know the Huffington Post would declare the parade to be a waste of money.

I'm not even surprised that the Atlantic would publish 2 opinion pieces - one 'fer it and one agin it.


Maybe, as an American living outside the USA, some might say I shouldn't have a say in all this. Perhaps they're right. But, really, this parade kerfuffle seems a bit much about nothing. Not even as a nothing burger.....more like a nothing tuna sandwich.

Monday, February 5, 2018

A White Beetle

It was a month ago that I posted my first photo of a VW Beetle for 2018. I've seen two others driving along the road, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to get photos of those.

Today, while out paying bills, I spotted this white Beetle parked at a gas station near the City Mall. I've checked my previous photos and it appears that I haven't photoed this one before.

I'm calling this one #43.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Coral Stone Fusion - Part One

While walking on the beach this morning, I came upon, what I can only describe - for lack of any other term - as a fusion of a coral and a stone. After spotting a number of similar ones, I began photographing them as I came upon them.

I don't know exactly what to make of these things; I'm a bit con -fused myself.

I photograph approximately two dozen. Nearly all were located in a relatively small are of the beach. I'm breaking up the photos into two groups to be published in different posts.

Twelve in this post and twelve more in a post to follow.