Thursday, October 16, 2008

Google Page Rank.

I started this blog nearly two years ago. Not long afterward, the Google Page Rank went to 3 and has, until recently, stayed there.
Now, after trying to increase the rank by getting more reciprocal links and registering with more blog directories, the rank has dropped to 2.
As if this wasn't bad enough, my Pen Pal Website of the Week blog has reached a rank of one. That makes this blog's puny rank all the more disheartening.
While looking for an image to post here, I came across an article that said using the "open ID" option whenever I leave comments - rather that the "Google/ Blogger" - would point people to the blog in a more direct way and boost the page rank.
I'm tempted to try....but I'm afraid that might even drop my page rank even lower.
Oh, the humanity!


  1. Aww, sorry to hear that, Bob. I'll look through my library and see what I can send to help you out.

  2. Commenting minutes after I post.....from half way around the world. Good to see that even with my humiliated page rank, I still have someone reading this :(

  3. In order to add this free page rank checker tool to your web site and give your visitors the way to check the ranking of any pages, just copy the following HTML code and put it into your HTML document where you want the check page rank tool to appear.

  4. if you use firefox, you can get page rank checker on your tool bar. no need to download anything.
