Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Energy Secretary wants to paint the world white.

President Obama's Energy Secretary, Professor Steven Chu said roofs throughout the world should be painted white to reflect the sun's rays back into space and, thereby, reduce global warming. Professor Chu has also said that roads and pavement should be made from light colored concrete rather than black asphalt for the same reason.

I'm sure it won't be long before environmental wackos, such as the members of Earth First, will put forth the idea that we must all wear white clothing to be green.

From what I understand, the uniform pictured here was once standard clothing for Democrats. I'm sure quite a few of Democrat voters may still have one or two sets put away in the closet.

We all know Margaret Sanger was a fan of the klan, so maybe Planned Parenthood could put their resources behind this.

Obama's green guru calls for white roofs
Professor Steven Chu: paint the world white to fight global warming

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