While surfing the blogs, I came across this particular photo on a blog that I've been to a few times before villageidiotsavant.blogspot.com. The link for the entry with this photo is is here . I left a comment on that blog, but there’s so much more that can be said about this image.
The poverty in Philippines is heart breaking. For some, it’s even difficult buying rice….not to mention vegetables, meat or fish to eat with the rice. Contrast that to “the poor” in the U.S.A. who have material things that can only be dreamt of by the majority of Filipinos.
Technology is available…….cell phones and Internet cafes are found in even the most isolated areas of the country. Filipinos are intelligent and industrious; much more so than the average American. So, what is the answer? We know from the example of “The Great Society” in the U.S. that socialism isn’t the answer; socialist give-aways make the poor even more dependant on the government.
Obviously, Philippines is in need of foreign capital investment. What will it take to bring in the foreign money? I wish I knew.