Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanks, Al.

You never know..........

Yesterday, after reading about Angeles Duran and her claim to be owner of the Sun, I did a silly little post on Al Gore filing a lawsuit against her due to damage caused by Global Warming. I didn't spend a lot of time (or thought) on the idea.

Little did I know the reaction that little piece would have.

The image on the left is a snip of maps showing the location of visitors to the post......331 visits from 90 cities in Sweden.

Googling keyword like angeles duran or angeles duran al gore and al gore has filed a law suit against the woman for damages caused by global warming and my blog ranks high on the list. I'm not quite so sure why anyone would have googled "al gore has filed a law suit against the woman for damages caused by global warming" but, evidently someone thought to do just that.

I wish there was some way to take advantage of the increased traffic. You just never know what's going to attract readers.

Update: After giving it some thought, I did an I.N.N. story and added to yesterday's post.


  1. Well....

    I suppose it's better this woman wants to own the Sun, rather than hoping to get a piece of Uranus.


  2. LarryD: GROAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

