Thursday, May 30, 2013

One More Week.

This time next week we should be in Manila waiting for the plane for Dumaguete.

The three of us are looking forward to seeing everyone.The trip will be long and tiring. I won't have Internet access until we get settled in at Cathy's mom's place.I'd like to do as I did last trip and chronicle our stay.....I'll bring along a journal and write down thoughts on paper for later transcribing. Imagine. Resorting to pen and paper in this day and age.

Having made the trip by myself several times, it will be easier for me traveling with my family, but I'm sure J.P. will have a rough time on that long flight from JFK to Tokyo.

In the mean time, I still have to go work two more days this week and two next week - this will be a short post. I'm tired of writing about all the @#$!^%  I see going on around me; especially since nobody seems to be paying attention.

Until next time........

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