Thursday, September 26, 2013

Feel The Love.

A cliché becomes a cliché because it's true. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Can't you just feel the ........unlove in Obama's eyes?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Ever Ironic Mark Shea.

Following along the lines of an observation made on Creative Minority Report, we have another example of a post by Mark Shea, which should be "filed in the 'irony is lost on them' department."

Saturday, September 21, 2013


When I open up Spotify for the first time each morning, I generally hunt around for music that is new for me.......the music may not be exactly brand new, but if I've never heard it, then it's new to me. That's how I came upon the work of Bernard Hermann (who wrote the music for many of Alfred Hitchcock's films, such as North By Northwest   and  Psycho.) and Wojciech Kilar, to name just two.

There are times, however, when I like to time travel into the past and listen to music that I enjoyed when I was younger. Today was one of those days, when I thought of Jimi Hendrix. It hadn't dawned on me that today is just a couple of days since the anniversary of Hendrix's death on Sept. 18, 1970.

As a matter of fact, I came across the date of his death in an odd way. Listening to some of his music on Spotify, I Googled his name and came across this story from the Seatle Times :2 men arrested in spray-painting spree; Jimi Hendrix statue defaced .

Two intoxicated men were arrested last night after they went on a spray-painting spree, defacing several objects, including the Jimi Hendrix statue on Capitol Hill, Seattle police said.

And according to Seattle Pi , the two men, ages 20 and 21 defaced a lot more that just the statue before attempting to make their get away on a Metro bus.

The blue substance on the statue, pictured below, is not the paint used by the two men, but  "Elephant Snot" graffiti remover. No word as to the color of the paint used by the drunken vandals. Purple might have been appropriate.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Obama's Presidential Library is an Outhouse.


It doesn’t matter if you think Barack Obama is the No. 1 or No. 2 president in American history. There’s an outhouse in New Mexico labeled “Obama’s Presidential Library” to accommodate both. Located in Tucumcari, N.M., near historic Route 66, the man who posted the sign has no apologies for the message concerning the commoder-in-chief.

The video comes from Albuquerque's KOAT TV.