"Mildred Loving, a black woman whose challenge to Virginia's ban on interracial marriage led to a landmark Supreme Court ruling striking down such laws nationwide, has died."
The stories, found elsewhere, go on to say,that Mildred Jeter was 11 when she and 17-year-old Richard began seeing one another.Mildred became pregnant and she and Loving got married in Washington, D.C. in 1958, when she was 18.
Five weeks after their wedding,in Central Point, Va., the county sheriff and two deputies, acting on an anonymous tip, burst into their bedroom.The Lovings were arrested.
The couple pleaded guilty to violating the Virginia law, the Racial Integrity Act. Under a plea bargain, their one-year prison sentences were suspended on the condition that they leave Virginia and not return together or at the same time for 25 years.
At the time, it was one of 16 states that barred marriages between races.
Most of those states outlawed marriage between whites and blacks, although Georgia, South Carolina and Virginia outlawed marriage between whites and "all non-whites".
Mississippi and Missouri outlawed the marriage between whites and "blacks and asians" while Texas specifically banned the marriage between whites and Filipinos.
Thanks to the Lovings, the Supreme Court case "Loving v Virginia" put an end to, so called, anti miscegenation laws.
On the 40th anniversary of the ruling in Loving v Virginia, Mildred Loving has released a public statement .There were comments given after the statement.One idiot had this to say,
"Obviously Loving was a case of activist judiciaries run amok. These activist judges have overturned the solemn will of the lawfully elected legislatures in all fifty states. This type of meddling in the name of ‘unenumerated’ rights can not be allowed to continue despite what the ninth amendment may or may not say."
Richard Loving died in a car accident that also injured his wife.
"They said I had to leave the state once, and I left with my wife," he told the Star in 1965. "If necessary, I will leave Virginia again with my wife, but I am not going to divorce her."