A few days back, I posted an entry entitled "The next US President".In the post,I compared legalized abortion to the legalized slavery in 19th century America.A day or so afterwards I was notified via email that a comment had been posted.I found the comment to be filled with intellectual garbage and I deleted it from the blog.I kept the comment in my email and after having re-read it, I decided to comment on it here.First, I will paste the comment below,then dissect it,putting in my comments.
"Abortion has been practiced since the beginning of time, and will be practiced till the end of it whether it is legal or not. I agree that it is immoral, and that it is murder, but it is essentially the choice of the mother, because the baby IS the "mother until it is born and functions separately from her. The baby does not really matter because it is not conscious, and doesn't know it is being killed, and "doesn'thave anything to leave behind. It will go to heaven. It is not the baby that matters, it is about the choice the woman makes. She will perhaps be punished accordingly when she dies, but it must always be her choice to make. It is different from murdering a child or adult because they have a consciousness and thus are aware of what is happening. A 6 week old foetus can't. Women must be given the choice about these matters because to take it away takes away equality in society and thus damages democracy in other ways. Reproductive rights are essential. Whether it is moral or not does not matter."
"Abortion has been practiced since the beginning of time, and will be practiced till the end of it whether it is legal or not."
Murder,rape,stealing and all sorts of evil has been practiced as well.That is no excuse to continue the behaviour
"I agree that it is immoral, and that it is murder, but it is essentially the choice of the mother, because the baby IS the mother until it is born and functions separately"
If you agree that it is immoral and an act of murder then how can it be justified?
The fact that the unborn child has differnt DNA shows that it IS NOT the mother.
"The baby does not really matter because it is not conscious, and doesn't know it is being killed"
If that ignorant statement were true, then an unconscious adult could be murdered too.
"It is not the baby that matters, it is about the choice the woman makes."
How can so called "freedom of choice" matter more than an innocent human life?
"It is different from murdering a child or adult because they have a consciousness and thus are aware of what is happening. A 6 week old foetus can't."
Again,what about adults or children who do not have consciousness?
"Women must be given the choice about these matters because to take it away takes away equality in society and thus damages democracy in other ways."
Fathers do not have a say in the matter....so where is the equality?
"Reproductive rights are essential."
'Reproductive rights' is an attempt to justify recreational sex without consequences.
"Whether it is moral or not does not matter"
Morality matters most of all.