First, I want to thank Al at Is Anybody There? for the heads-up regarding this story from Fox News.[ Atheist Group Blasts Postal Service for Mother Teresa Stamp]
Earlier this month, Annie Laurie Gaylor of the Freedom From Religion Foundation issued an "Action Alert" asking that the Foundation's supporters boycott the upcoming commemorative stamp honoring Mother Teresa.
Gaylor writes;
"Of course, you can vote with your pocketbook, and boycott these stamps by selecting other 2010 releases for purchase (such as Katharine Hepburn, whose views are publicized in the Foundation's freethought bus campaign. Hepburn said: 'I'm an atheist and that's it. I believe that there's nothing we can know except that we should be kind to each other and do what we can for other people.' )"
That's an odd quote to put into the alert. As I mentioned in an earlier post, [Atheists Aren't Asshole.] if you take the atheist's philosophy to it's logical conclusion, we human are merely the random collection of chemicals that happened to join together, so treating people differently than any other creature is a logical absurdity. In the atheist's philosophy, there is no reason why we "should be kind to each other and do what we can for other people".
Gaylor's action alert is simply an excuse for her to trash the Roman Catholic Church. Her paranoia extends to what she sees as "America's disproportionately powerful Roman Catholic influence".
Gaylor claims "Mother Teresa is on the fast-track to sainthood and the Catholic Church is pulling out all the stops to beatify one of their own." And the atheists believe we live in a fantasy world.
Gaylor has absolutely no idea how canonization works and what it means to be a saint. Why would the Church need to have Mother Teresa on a stamp to put her on the "fast-track to sainthood"? The Church can canonize anyone she sees fit to canonize. There is no need for public approval. It's not a popularity contest. To comment on something she knows nothing about shows us how ignorant Ms. Gaylor is.
Then again, what can you expect from the winner of the American Moron of the Day Award for April 07, 2004?