Thursday, March 29, 2007
Beating a Dead Horse

Government workers

Sunday, March 25, 2007
Bleeding paintings of Christ
“I heard about the story, but I have not seen the painting and I do not plan on doing so. In the past there have been similar incidents and so I urge caution in order to avoid fueling false religious sentiments. Now if you will excuse me, I must attend the Confirmation of some young children, something which to me is much more important than this painting.”
For my part, I find it very unusual for a Protestant to be reporting miracles of this sort.I can't think of any similar incident involving non-Catholic Christians. As with the Bleeding Virgin statue, I will withhold judgement on the validity of the alledged appearance.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Awaiting my son's passport

Monday, March 19, 2007
Scammer entry continued

Sunday, March 18, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Who's Afraid of Tinky Winky?

Two years ago,I would not have been able to name one but today I know they're TinkyWinky, Dipsy, Lala and Po.There are days when the theme song enters my head and will not leave.I've watched the show with my son and find it to be harmless fun, though not everyone agrees with that assessment.
I have a friend who has a four year old daughter and he won't allow her to watch the program.He says it is because there isn't any "learning" involved.I honestly think he may have other reasons for his ban.The show is designed for very young infants and toddlers who aren't capable of understanding the arithmetic and spelling on shows like Sesame Street.Sometimes singing and laughing can be enough.
I think his real objection may go back to an early controversy regarding the show.Years ago, Reverend Jerry Falwell, a former spokesman for America's Moral Majority denounced the show as Gay Propaganda.He claimed that the character known as Tinky Winky was a subtle reference
to homosexuality.He said it's purple color was the color of Gay Pride and the triangle on it's head was a Gay symbol as well. Although my friend is Catholic and should know better than to listen to Jerry Falwell, I'm afraid that he has fallen under his influence.
As if to add to the Gay idea behind the Teletubbies, blogger Ian Casocot put a video on his blog showing the characters in rather bizarre episode.
However,I was able to find a photo which may prove the Teletubbies are not gay.....after all, it would be OK for Tinky Winky to carry a handbag if she were a woman.

Sean Hannity's Catholicism

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Global Warming and Religion

As an aside, I think this jumping,screaming, televangelist persona is what ultimately defeated Al Gore in his presidential campaign.That persona may appeal to Liberal voters, but your typical, mainstream American finds that style a bit embarrassing.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
a fish out of water

"Included among the links on this page are some which I consider the more interesting blogs concerning Dumaguete and Negros Oriental.I've also put in links to blogs which do not deal with Philippines but which I hope our visitors will find interesting, never-the-less."
Babel fish translate into German this way:
"Unter den Verbindungen auf dieser Seite geschlossen einige ein, die ich für die interessanteren blogs hinsichtlich sind mit Dumaguete halte und Negros Oriental.I've auch in Verbindungen zu den blogs einsetzte, die nicht Philippinen beschäftigen, aber, die ich hoffe, unsere Besucher das Interessieren, dennoch finden."
Take this German and translate back into English it becomes:
"Closed under the connections on this side some, which is I for the more interesting blogs regarding with Dumaguete keeps and also in connections to blogs used Negros Oriental.I've, which do not employ the Philippines, but find, which I hope, our visitors an interesting, yet."
Let's take the same sentence and translate to Spanish:
"Se incluyen entre los acoplamientos en esta página algunos que considero los blogs más interesantes referentes Dumaguete y a Negros Oriental.I've también puestos en acoplamientos a los blogs que no tratan de Filipinas pero que espere nuestros visitantes encuentren interesar, sin embargo."
Translated back into English:
"Some are included between the connections in this referring page that I consider blogs more interesting Dumaguete and to Oriental.Íve Blacks also put in connections to blogs that they do not deal with the Philippines but that waits for our visitors find to interest, nevertheless."
This entire blog entry translates into German this way:
Einige blogs surfend, kam ich über eine Anzeige für babelfish, ein Aufstellungsort, der es angeblich ist die Benutzer zum Übersetzen Einzelteile von einer Sprache zu another.Examples einschließen Englisch zum Deutschen erlaubt, der zum Japaner englisch ist und die reverse.But, wie genau diese Übersetzungen sind? Sie können zum Aufstellungsort gehen und dieses kleine Spiel zu versuchen...... übersetzen Sie eine Phrase von Sprache "A" in Sprache "B" dann kleben die Übersetzung in den Übersetzer und aufheben das process.Here's ein Beispiel von, was ich bedeute. Von meiner Dumaguete Blogosphere Seite habe ich das folgende kopiert: "unter den Verbindungen auf dieser Seite sind einige eingeschlossen, die ich für die interessanteren blogs hinsichtlich sind Dumaguete und Negros Oriental.I've auch eingesetzt in Verbindungen zu den blogs halte, die nicht Philippinen beschäftigen, aber, die ich hoffe, unsere Besucher finden das Interessieren, dennoch." Babel Fische übersetzen in Deutschen auf diese Weise: "Unter Höhle Verbindungen auf dieser Seite geschlossen einige ein, Würfel ich für Würfel interessanteren blogs hinsichtlich sind MIT Dumaguete halte und Negros Oriental.I've Auch im Verbindungen zu Höhle blogs einsetzte, Würfel nicht Philippinen beschäftigen, aber, Würfel ich hoffe, unsere Besucher das Interessieren, dennoch finden." Nehmen Sie diesen Deutschen und übersetzen Sie zurück in Englisch, das es wird: "unter den Anschlüssen auf dieser Seite einiges, das I für die interessanteren blogs, die ist mit Dumaguete Unterhaelten betrachten und auch in den Anschlüssen zu den blogs Negros Oriental.I've verwendete, die die nicht Philippinen einsetzen, aber Entdeckung, die geschlossen ich hoffe, unsere Besucher ein Interessieren, schon." Lassen Sie uns den gleichen Satz nehmen und zum Spanischen übersetzen: "Se incluyen entre los acoplamientos en esta página algunos que considero los blogs más interesantes referentes Dumaguete y, das ein Negros Oriental.I've también puestos en acoplamientos ein los blogs que keine tratan de Filipinas pero que espere nuestros visitantes interesar encuentren, Sünde Embargo." Übersetzt zurück in Englisch: "einige sind zwischen den Anschlüssen in dieser verweisenden Seite enthalten, daß ich blogs interessanteres Dumaguete und zu den Oriental.Íve Schwarzen betrachte, die auch in Anschlüsse mit zu den blogs eingesetzt werden, denen sie nicht die Philippinen beschäftigen, aber finden Sie, das unsere Besucher wartet, um zu interessieren, dennoch."
Back into English:
Surfing A few blogs, I came across ad for babelfish, A site on which, allegedly, allows it's users ton translate items from one LANGUAGE ton of another.Examples include English ton of German, English ton of Japanese and the reverse.But, how accurate acres thesis translation? You CAN go ton the site and try this little game...... translate A cliche from LANGUAGE "A" into LANGUAGE "B" then paste the translation into the translator and reverse the process.Here's to example OF what I mean. From my Dumaguete Blogosphere PAGE, I've copied the following: "Included among the which I more consider the more interesting blogs concerning Dumaguete and Negros Oriental.I've some on the left of on this PAGE of acres thus PUT in on the left of tons blogs which DO emergency deal with Philippines but which I hope our visitors wants finds interesting, never the less." Babel fish translate into German this way: "closed under the connections on this side some, which is I for the more interesting blogs regarding with Dumaguete keeps and also in connections to blogs used Negros Oriental.I've, which do not employ the Philippines, but find, which I hope, our visitors an interesting, yet." Take this German and translate bake into English it becomes: "Closed more under the connections on this side some, which is I for the more interesting blogs regarding with Dumaguete keeps and thus in connections tons blogs used Negros Oriental.I've, which DO emergency employ the Philippines, but find, which I hope, our visitors on interesting, yet." Let's take the same sentence and translate ton of Spanish: "SE incluyen entre loosely acoplamientos EN esta página algunos que considero loosely blogs más interesantes referentes Dumaguete y A Negros Oriental.I've también puestos EN acoplamientos A loosely blogs que NO tratan de Filipinas pero que espere nuestros visitantes encuentren interesar, sin embargo." Translated bake into English: Some blogs surfend, I came over an announcement for babelfish, a place of assembly, which it is alleged the users for translating individual parts from a language to another.Examples includes English to the German permitted, which is English to the Japanese and who reverse.But, how exactly these translations is? They can go to the place of assembly and try this small play...... to translate you a cliche of language "A" into language "B" then to stick the translation into the translator and to waive process.Here's the example of, what I mean. Of my Dumaguete Blogosphere side I copied the following: "are enclosed under the connections on this side some, which is I for the more interesting blogs regarding Dumaguete and in connections to blogs keep Negros Oriental.I've also assigned, which do not employ the Philippines, but, which I hope, our visitors find an interesting, nevertheless." Babel of fish translate into German in this way: "under cave connections some, cube I for cube more interesting blogs regarding are closed connections to cave on this side WITH Dumaguete hold and Negros a Oriental.I've also in blogs used, cubes the Philippines do not employ, but, cube I hope, our visitors interesting, yet find." Take to this Germans and translate you back into English, which becomes it: "under the connections on this side of some, which is I for the more interesting blogs, with Dumaguete Unterhaelten regards and also in the connections for blogs the Negros Oriental.I've used, which do not use those the Philippines, but discovery, which closed I hope, our visitors interesting, already." Let us the same sentence take and to the Spanish translate: "SE incluyen entre loosely acoplamientos EN esta página algunos que considero loosely blogs más interesantes referentes Dumaguete y, which a Negros Oriental.I've does not encuentren también puestos EN acoplamientos loosely blogs que tratan de Filipinas pero a que espere nuestros visitantes interesar, sin embargo." Translated back into English: "some it are contained between the connections in this referring side that I regard blogs more interesting Dumaguete and to the Oriental.Íve black ones, which are also inserted also into connections to blogs, which they do not employ the Philippines, but find them, which our visitors waits, in order to interest, nevertheless."
So much for Babel Fish.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Bank Robbery

Four Arrested in Robbery by 'Girl Bandits'
ACWORTH, Ga. (March 2) - Police arrested two 19-year-old girls and a bank teller in a brazen robbery in which two young women disguised in sunglasses were caught on videotape laughing as they held up a bank branch.
After a brief car chase Thursday, the three were arrested about 20 miles from the bank that had been robbery two days earlier, said Douglas County Sheriff's Maj. M.O. Harper.
The young bandits had given the teller a note demanding money from the Bank of America branch at a Kroger grocery.
Police declined to reveal what the note said or how much money was stolen. The branch is in an upscale Cobb County neighborhood 30 miles north of Atlanta.
Ashley Miller and Heather Johnston, both 19, and Benny Herman Allen III, 22, were charged with felony theft and marijuana possession, said Cobb County Police spokeswoman Cassie Reece.
Michael Chastang, 27, also was arrested and charged felony theft and drug trafficking, authorities said. It wasn't clear if they had attorneys.
"It was a conspiracy to take money from the bank," Reece said. "They were in on it."

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
on Immigration and Abortion
"We want a strong economy and a good standard of living, but we also don't want to do a lot of the unpleasant jobs that help sustain that standard. So we live with a curious kind of schizophrenia. We need the "illegals," but we also want to complain about them."
It was the previous sentence in his interview that caught my attention;
"Some 40 million abortions and billions of contraceptives later, Americans have a work-force shortfall.Why is anyone surprised?"
This idea had never dawned on me before, but it seems that others had come to the same conclusion as the Archbishop. A Republican-led legislative panel in Missouri said as much in their report.
There are jobs that would go undone without the so-called "undocumented workers". With American killing it's unborn,where else will the workers come from?
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
USCIS fee increase

According to what I've read, the increase will go into effect "mid June". If we can apply before the increase the cost will be $330 plus $70 if additional biometrics are needed.When the increase goes into effect, the cost will jump to $600 plus $80 biometrics.
I found a list of the amounts on the NAFSA website. I copied the list and put it here.The differences are incredible, to say the least.I think one of the unexpected consequences of all this will be a further clogging of the Immigration system.The number of "green card" holders who will file for citizenship before the changes go into effect will cause another burden on a system that is already out of kilter.
I think anyone expecting this to stop illegal immigration will be sadly mistaken....it will only harm those who are playing by the book and following the rules.USCIS is already under-staffed and the increase in the number of permanent residents applying for citizenship before the dead-line will just add to the problem.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Be glad Mommy is not a Democrat

"Democrats make sure we all share our toys, just like Mommy does".
This is a clear case of Socialist income redistribution.However, Democrats want to redistribute your wealth, not theirs . Al Gore will still retain his mansion.
"Democrats make sure children go to school, just like Mommy does."
But it isn't a good quality private school, but a public school that will not teach Academics or discipline.The public schools in this country are in a shambles.....thanks to Democrats and the teachers' Union.
Of course, the number one reason you should be glad Mommy is not a Democrat.....she would have been more likely to abort you compared to a Republican Mommy.
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