I prefer voting early over the hectic and crowded circus-like atmosphere of Election Day.
In the county where I live, we normally have two locations where we can go for advanced voting. According to the Floyd County Website;
Advanced Voting for Elections during 2008 will be available at two locations. Advance Voting for the General Primary Election will begin July 7 through July 11, 2008.
Advanced Voting for the Special Election (of September 16) will begin Monday, September 8 through Friday, September 12 2008. Advanced Voting for elections during 2008 will be available at two locations:
Floyd County Administrative Building
12 East 4th Avenue
2nd Floor, Commissioner's Caucus Room
The Rome Civic Center
400 Civic Center Drive
Nothing on the website about advance voting for the November election.
I've gone to the Rome Civic Center for advanced voting in the past and assumed that I could go there Tuesday to vote.
I drove to the Civic Center only to discover a dozen or so fire trucks in the parking lot..... but no voting (and thankfully, no fire either). I drove to the County Court House building where I had registered to vote, thinking I could vote there.
I then drove to the Floyd County Administrative Building, but the advanced voting was not being done in the Commissioner's Caucus Room on the 2nd floor as had been done in the last two elections, but in the Elections office on the ground floor.
I was, finally, able to cast my ballot and head on back home.
On the CBS website, there was an article about voting early. Comments were allowed, and a man calling himself "Peter" had this to say;
"Although early voters may believe that 'Early Birds get the Worm', it''s fair to say that when it comes to voting early in this year''s very close and important election, many other voters believe that 'Haste makes Waste'.
These voters believe in sipping their coffee and voting slowly and that this Presidential race may very well still be 'Chock Full' o'' 11th hour surprises!"
I don't agree with "Peter".
Is there any sort of "11th hour surprise" that's liable to change the minds of McCain's or Obama's early voters? Would a die-hard Obama supporter regret not voting for McCain, regardless of whatever happens between now and November 4th? Same with McCain voters. Either candidate could be found, stone drunk in a motel room - in bed - with a nine year old Muslim midget boy and that would not give his supporters "buyer's remorse".
As quoted at online.wsj.com ,
"Research on early voting suggests it probably doesn't benefit one candidate or the other. Early voters tend to be those who are most loyal to their party or candidate, and least likely to be swayed by developments in the campaign, says American Enterprise Institute scholar John Fortier ."
Here's another comment from the CBS article - from someone calling himself (herself?) "Louramos"
"I strongly believe that every person who is seeking a public office position, from city councilperson to president of the great USA must take (under strict regulations and controls) an IQ test which will be made public.The future of our great country is precariously teetering and we cannot afford to gamble with people who cannot function rationally."
First of all, this comment has nothing to do with the subject of the article.......advanced voting.
Secondly, we've been hearing for ages that IQ tests were culturally biased. Many experts claim the tests do not accurately measure intelligence. Besides, being intelligent isn't a guarantee of anyone functioning rationally. Much better to have someone who functions with a high degree of moral integrity,stability and honor.