Saturday, October 18, 2014

Finally, a New Keyboard.

A few weeks ago, my on again, off again problems with the keyboard on my P.C. became completely "off". The letters qwertyuiop would not type. There was no fixing the problem. I simply had to get a new keyboard.

It was late in the month and I hadn't budgeted for a new keyboard, so even though the keyboard wouldn't take a great deal of money, I decided to wait until my next payday.

That was a few days ago, and after grocery shopping and paying those bills that had to be paid, I purchased a new keyboard.

Now, I have no excuse not to write more often - other than due to the arrangement of the bedroom furniture, I have to stand while I write.

Now, it's just a matter of coming up with something interesting.

This week, there is the Buglasan Festival in Dumaguete. We'll be going to the parade this afternoon. There will be photos.

For the most part, my comments and photos pertaining to the festival will be posted on my DumagueteWebsite blog and my website. Both need to be updated. I've neglected those two even more than I have this blog.

Expect the updates within the next few days.