Sunday, September 25, 2022

VW Beetle - number 73

Note:This will be simultaneously posted to all three of my blogs-

Anyone who has followed me for any length of time is aware of my occasional posting of photos of Volkswagen Beetles that I might happen upon while roaming about Dumaguete and Sibulan. This will be the 70th VW post published onto the first blog. Those 70 posts have featured 73 different Beetles - not including the VWs featured in a blog post on VWs in Davao.

As has been my routine for over a year, I went out early this morning on my bicycle. I don't always take the same route; I'm likely to go anywhere within a five or six mile radius of my home. Today, I took a slight detour toward the Negros Oriental Convention Center not far from the Main Campus of Negros Oriental State University.

As I passed an office of the Highway Patrol, I spotted the VW Beetle I'm featuring here.

Sunday, May 15, 2022



I just finished reading "Touch" by Claire North. A book about Joe Biden might be entitled "Tetched" as in "tetched (touched) in the head".

Thursday, February 24, 2022

A VW Update

This afternoon I went with 3 American friends to have lunch at Cubiertos Restaurant in Sibulan. It was the first time I had visited this particular restaurant in quite some's probably been more than a year.

Something new has been added.

My regular readers know that whenever I come upon a VW Beetle in the area, I will photograph said Beetle and post the photos to my blog. (now "blogs"). In Oct. 2018 I took photos of a VW parked at Cubiertos Restaurant that was basically serving as a large flower pot. One of the photos from that time is posted below.


Today, I find that that VW has been updated. Looking closely at the body, I'm sure it is the same VW....only now it's painted yellow and is no longer holding flowers.

I've no idea why the change was made. I'm simply reporting it.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

A New VW Post

Having discovered the ends and outs of the road I called "entrance X" [And it Comes Out Where? ] the road has become a semi-regular part of my morning bicycle ride. The first time I traveled that road, I had come down Rovira Drive from Camanjac - the second time, from the Xuekashi Motorparts store and then left down Rovira Drive to Pulantubig. Today, it was my intention to enter at the motor parts store, then cross Rovira onto Boni Catarata, and ride to my friend's place on Motong Rd.

Unfortunately, my friend wasn't home, but the trip was not a total washout. While on Boni Catarata, I happened upon a old VW Beetle parked along the road.

Anyone familiar with my other blog, sorryalltheclevernamesaretaken will recall that a regular feature was my blog posts and photos of Volkswagen Beetles I came upon while wandering through Dumaguete.

With the coming of COVID, I spent less time driving around Dumaguete and I had not taken a new photo of a VW Beetle since March 04, 2020.

So naturally, coming across this VW this morning, I had to take a few photos and post them.

This post will be published in both blogs - sorryalltheclevernamesaretaken and