I heard of this story on Sean Hannity's, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh's radio shows. All three give the U.K. Daily Mail as the source of their information. That site links to Al Arabiya News as their original source.
The Islamist-dominated parliament in Egypt is on the verge of approving a law which will allow husbands to have sex with their dead wives - within six hours of her death.
The controversy about a husband having sex with his dead wife came about after a Moroccan cleric spoke about the issue in May 2011. Cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari maintained that marriage between husband and wife remained valid even after death; so, accordingly, he said sex with one's dead spouse was allowed in Islam. Unless one thinks that Islam is sexist, the cleric also claimed that a woman would likewise be permitted to have sex with her dead husband.
Zamzami is not new to making controversial pronouncements concerning Islam. Two years ago, he said it was permissible for pregnant women to drink alcohol. Considering that drinking alcohol isn't even permitted in Islam - not to mention the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome - this statement is odd, indeed.
As they say, if there's no photo (or video) it didn't happen. I was able to locate a video of Zamzami explaining himself from a blog called Blazing Cat Fur. Of course, Zamzami is speaking Arabic in the video, but fortunately for us, the writer of the blog managed to put in a translation via subtitles.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Barn av Regnbuen.
From Yahoo News:
"Tens of thousands of rose-waving Norwegians gathered in central Oslo Thursday to deride mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik by singing a song he hates, viewing it as Marxist indoctrination.
Some 40,000 people, according to police, massed in the rain at a square near the Oslo district courthouse where Breivik is on trial for his July 22 attacks that killed 77 people, to sing "Children of the Rainbow" by Norwegian folk singer Lillebjoern Nilsen."
The article goes on;
"Breivik last Friday told the court that Nilsen was 'a very good example of a Marxist' who had infiltrated the cultural scene and that his song was typical of the 'brainwashing of Norwegian pupils.'"
"Children of the Rainbow" is Lillebjoern Nilsen's adaptation of Pete Seeger's "My Rainbow Race" and is very popular in Norway.
In Norwegian, "Children of the Rainbow" is translated "Barn av Regnbuen" - discovering that little tidbit was how I was able to locate a Youtube video of the song sung in Norwegian.
I don't speak or understand Norwegian - if "Barn av Regnbuen" is an accurate translation of the Seeger song, I can't say that the song would be on my list of all-time favorites. However, the fact that mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik hates this song so much is reason enough for me to post the Youtube version here.
"Tens of thousands of rose-waving Norwegians gathered in central Oslo Thursday to deride mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik by singing a song he hates, viewing it as Marxist indoctrination.
Some 40,000 people, according to police, massed in the rain at a square near the Oslo district courthouse where Breivik is on trial for his July 22 attacks that killed 77 people, to sing "Children of the Rainbow" by Norwegian folk singer Lillebjoern Nilsen."
The article goes on;
"Breivik last Friday told the court that Nilsen was 'a very good example of a Marxist' who had infiltrated the cultural scene and that his song was typical of the 'brainwashing of Norwegian pupils.'"
"Children of the Rainbow" is Lillebjoern Nilsen's adaptation of Pete Seeger's "My Rainbow Race" and is very popular in Norway.
In Norwegian, "Children of the Rainbow" is translated "Barn av Regnbuen" - discovering that little tidbit was how I was able to locate a Youtube video of the song sung in Norwegian.
I don't speak or understand Norwegian - if "Barn av Regnbuen" is an accurate translation of the Seeger song, I can't say that the song would be on my list of all-time favorites. However, the fact that mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik hates this song so much is reason enough for me to post the Youtube version here.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
NASA's Lunar No-Fly Zones Explained.
In yesterday's post I mentioned that, earlier yesterday morning, I had heard on Neal Boortz' radio program that NASA was declaring certain areas of the Moon as no-fly zones.
I thought the announcement a bit odd, but didn't give it much thought until yesterday evening.
A search of the Internet led me to an article at the Hindu.com. Referencing an article from Science the writer explained that, because of the $30 million in prize money from Google and the X Prize Foundation, NASA felt the need to protect the historic and scientific value of sites containing artifacts from America's voyages to the Moon. Due to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty which says that the lunar surface has no owner, NASA's no-fly zone is not legally binding, but the agency felt that it needed to safeguard the discarded food and astronaut feces at the Apollo landing sites.
As one might expect, not everyone is buying NASA's explanation for the no-fly zones.
One writer suggest that NASA is holding back scientific progress by demanding these restrictions. He also suggests that the reason behind the lunar no-fly zones is that the Apollo lunar landings were actually a hoax.
Writers for other websites - such as ufodigest and realufos(1) realufos(2) - maintain that these restricted sites are military bases. Obviously, according to these folks, NASA does not want China or India (who will certainly have lunar expeditions in the near future) learning of these secret lunar bases. I'm sure that when China or India or whoever may win the Google Lunar X Prize declares that there are no lunar military bases, these ufologists will put forth the idea that, either NASA has bribed (or frightened) those involved, or that NASA has some sort of cloaking device which has made the bases invisible.
I want to make it clear that I don't fall in with those who deny that we've been to the Moon. This video is all the evidence I need.
I thought the announcement a bit odd, but didn't give it much thought until yesterday evening.
A search of the Internet led me to an article at the Hindu.com. Referencing an article from Science the writer explained that, because of the $30 million in prize money from Google and the X Prize Foundation, NASA felt the need to protect the historic and scientific value of sites containing artifacts from America's voyages to the Moon. Due to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty which says that the lunar surface has no owner, NASA's no-fly zone is not legally binding, but the agency felt that it needed to safeguard the discarded food and astronaut feces at the Apollo landing sites.
As one might expect, not everyone is buying NASA's explanation for the no-fly zones.
One writer suggest that NASA is holding back scientific progress by demanding these restrictions. He also suggests that the reason behind the lunar no-fly zones is that the Apollo lunar landings were actually a hoax.
Writers for other websites - such as ufodigest and realufos(1) realufos(2) - maintain that these restricted sites are military bases. Obviously, according to these folks, NASA does not want China or India (who will certainly have lunar expeditions in the near future) learning of these secret lunar bases. I'm sure that when China or India or whoever may win the Google Lunar X Prize declares that there are no lunar military bases, these ufologists will put forth the idea that, either NASA has bribed (or frightened) those involved, or that NASA has some sort of cloaking device which has made the bases invisible.
I want to make it clear that I don't fall in with those who deny that we've been to the Moon. This video is all the evidence I need.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
3 1/2 Time Outs Tuesday: The Radio Edition.
It's Tuesday, and time again for 3 1/2 Time-Outs-Tuesday.
1) I'm not quite sure who thought it was a good idea for former Governor Mike Huckabee to go up against Rush Limbaugh in the talk radio arena. I don't have any animosity towards Huckabee; I just think he's a bit bland.
Now, I might tune in to his radio show if he were put up against Glenn Beck, Neal Boortz or even Sean Hannity. I just don't see many of Rush's listeners switching to Huckabee.
The last few days, Rush has had a number of guest hosts filling in. That would be my oppourtunity to give Huckabee a listen. I wouldn't change the dial if Mark Steyn were hosting, but Mark Davis and Mary Matalin don't hold my interest. Huckabee is just barely more interesting than those two. He doesn't stand a chance against Limbaugh.
2) Speaking of Sean Hannity, this writer says Hannity set Twitter on fire by "suggesting the if the poor were starving that they could eat rice and beans”.
I didn't read the Tweet; I wasn't listening to Hannity's radio program when he "challenged the notion that that Americans living in poverty are going to bed hungry".
I've always felt that the government's food stamp program was wasteful. It seems to me that it might be better - both financially and from a nutritional aspect - if food stamps could only be used to purchase basic items, such as flour, rice, dried beans, eggs, milk and a limited amount of meat. No junk food - no processed, packaged food.
Unfortunately, the food stamp and welfare system isn't designed to help the poor, but rather to keep the poor dependent on the politicians.
3) Nearly every radio talk show play ads for incomeathome.com. One would think that, with all the celebrity endorsements, there must be something to it all. When I went out of work for surgery, I thought I'd look into the company. I was thinking that I could make a few extra bucks while at home recuperating.
No such luck.
incomeathome.com is simply a cover for selling Herbalife products. After talking to a "coach", I was not impressed. There may be money to be made by some folks, but the whole think was just not a good fit for me.
1/2) It's being reported elsewhere, but listening to Neal Boortz this AM, I learned that NASA will classify certain areas of the Moon as "no fly zones".
Friday, April 20, 2012
Dog Eat Dog - The Rock Version.
Considering all that's been going on lately with the President's poodle problem , I thought it might be appropriate to post a video of Ted Nugent's song, "Dog Eat Dog".
Bon appetit. (or should I say, Bone appetit?)
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Chihuahua Chimichanga?

In President Barack Obama's memoir "Dreams From My Father",Obama writes about eating dog meat while he lived with his stepfather in Indonesia.
"With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share."
Democrats claim that referring to what Obama may have eaten as a child is a low blow. I'd hardly call the Democrats' attack on Romney and his dog story from 1983 as taking the high road.
Twichy.com has posted a list of Tweets giving recipes from Obama's dog meat cookbook;
Chihuahua Chimichanga, German Shephard's Pie, Terrieryaki, Chicken Poodle Soup, and Ramen Poodles being some of my favorites.
The Obama campaign started this dog fight. They should have kept to the really important and relevant issues.
Maybe I should have titled this post "Obama Woks his Dog".
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Three and one half Time Outs Tuesday.....the "Nothin' Special" Edition.

I want to thank LarryD's regulars for stopping by my blog after he put a link to one of my posts on his blog yesterday.
As some of you know, I'm recuperating from surgery. The doctor has temporarily removed me from work and there is precious little he -or my wife- will allow me to do around the house. Unfortunately, one of the few chores I can do is my least favorite. Writing this post postpones my washing the dishes and for that I'm very much grateful.
I never thought I'd see the day, but my six year old is no longer in his Thomas the Tank Engine phase. Just before his last birthday, he switched over from Thomas and Percy to Mario and Luigi. His transformation is so complete that his favorite color has changed from blue to red. I don't quite understand that, though. Mario wears blue overalls. I suppose hat and shirt trumps overalls. Go figure.
I never thought I'd say this, but I actually miss hearing the Thomas theme song.
Not being so great with names, I've often confused Right winger Haley Barbour with Democrat strategist Bob Beckel. I don't think I'll have that problem now. I can always associate Beckel as the guy who dropped the F-bomb on Sean Hannity's T.V. program.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
The Busy, Busy Sperm Donor.

Back in 2008, when the Huffington Post first published an article on Ed Houben - along with this interview - Houben had "fathered" 46 children, mostly via artificial insemination as a sperm donor. Now, according to an article in Der Spiegel, he has 86 children with 10 more on the way.
Originally, Houben would simply donate his sperm to Dutch sperm banks. After four years, he had donated enough for 25 children and could no longer legally donate sperm in Holland. Ironically, Houben was still a virgin at the time.
Not wanting to give up his life as a sperm donor, Houben found a way of coming in contact with women wanting children. Some were single, heterosexual women who were having problems finding "Mr. Right", some were married women with infertile husbands, while some were lesbians who wanted children.
Houben even has a website and Facebook page. The photo comes from his website.
When reading his story at Der Spiegel, it should be obvious to any thinking person that Houben has psychological problems. Houben and the women who've made use of his "service" believe that he's doing a good thing. I'm sure he may have good intentions, but we all know the cliche about the road to Hell being paved with good intentions.
If anything, everyone involved in this tragedy is in need of our prayers.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Deck Chairs on the Titanic.

As an approach to our mountain of debt, the Buffett Rule is a farce. And yet Obama repeated the ridiculous claim again this week. “It will help us close our deficit.” Does he really think we’re that stupid?
Sorry, Charles, but Americans are that stupid.
At least, most Washington Post readers are.
In a poll in today's Post, the question is -
Do you agree with Charles Krauthammer's opinion that "as an approach to our mountain of debt, the Buffett Rule is a farce"?
Sadly, the majority of Washington Post readers voting in the poll said "no". True, the poll isn't scientific, but as of this writing, 57% believe that the so-called Buffett Rule will substantially reduce the nation's debt.
Krauthammer points out that, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, "this new tax would yield between $4 billion and $5 billion a year. If we collect the Buffett tax for the next 250 years — a span longer than the life of this republic — it would not cover the Obama deficit for 2011 alone."
He goes on - "The Buffett Rule redistributes deck chairs on the Titanic, ostensibly to make more available for those in steerage."
No question about it. We need to replace Obama this election. If he wins reelection, we can say that we as a nation have gone past the point of no return. The entitlement mentality is destroying the country and if the people return him to office, then obviously, it's too late to bring the country back from the brink.
A Birthday Gift to Myself.

The book, My Grandfather's Son by Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas arrived yesterday. I found the book so interesting that I finished reading it before going to bed last night.
I have great admiration for Thomas, and reading his memoir only increased my admiration. He and I are of the same generation - he's four years older - both of us grew up in Georgia (he in Savannah and I in Atlanta) so even though he and I have different experiences, I can relate to much of what he went thru.
Fortunately for Thomas, he had a grandfather who would not allow him to do less than his best and I envy him for that. We may have had a bit more money but I wasn't pushed to live up to my potential as Thomas was.
Thomas made his share of mistakes; he married too early and spent too many years drinking too much, yet in spite of these mistakes, as well as the racial discrimination he faced, Thomas overcame.
Early in his life, Thomas attended seminary with the intention of becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He left the Church, however, because he felt that the Church was not doing enough during the sixties and seventies to combat racism. According to his wikipedia biography, he returned to the Church during the 1990s. Unfortunately, he doesn't go into detail in his memoir as to the how and why of this reconciliation. Part of that would have had to involve an annulment from his first marriage but there is not mention of one in the book.
All in all, this is one of those books that I wish my Liberal friends would read. I'd like to think that they'd be open minded enough to look at things differently after reading Clarance Thomas' memoir.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Melville, Jonah and Judith.

Truth is like a thrashing-machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
The quote comes from Melville's last novel The Confidence Man . When I finished reading Chaput's e-book, I was so impressed with the Melville quote that I downloaded the novel from Project Gutenberg. Reading the novel, I was reminded of something from about 15 years ago. I was living in Cave Spring, GA at the time. I remember thinking at the time that I had missed out, intellectually, by never having read Moby Dick. I can recall borrowing the book from the public library and reading it outside, behind the house while on vacation.
My life was in disarray at the time; I know I never finished the book, way-back-when. It was while reading The Confidence Man that I decided to download a copy of Moby Dick and rectify that. I realized when I started reading the novel a few days ago, that I had read even less than I remember. Everything seemed completely new to me.
Father Mapple's sermon on the Book of Jonah has a sense of excitement not found in the actual book. After reading the sermon, I had to reread the story of Jonah to compare the two.
It was the same when I came upon Melville's comparison between a whale's head hoisted against the ship's side and another story from the Bible;
"........there, that blood-dripping head hung to the Pequod's waist like the giant Holofernes's from the girdle of Judith."
I was familiar with the story of Judith; Caravaggio's painting of Judith beheading Holofernes being a favorite of mine. Immediately after reading Chapter 70 of Moby Dick where Judith and Holofernes are mentioned, I opened up my Bible to read the Book of Judith . (don't bother doing likewise if you don't have a Catholic Bible....you won't find the book in the Protestant version).
Reading the Book, I began to wonder if Caravaggio had read it. In his painting, Judith's maid is a very old woman when she helped Judith "bag" Holofernes' head. At the end of Chapter 16 when Judith dies at 105, she gives her maid her freedom. There's no mention of the maid's age, but if Judith was 105 when she died, the maid, as portrayed by Caravaggio, would have been at least 150. I'd say Artemisia Gentileschi's painting more closely represents the biblical story.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
3 1/2 Time-Outs Tuesday - the Recycled Edition.

Update: When I re-posted this here, I had no idea that today is the 42nd anniversary of the Beatles' break-up. Coincidence?
According to this story at The Smoking Gun, a 47 year old woman in Florida was arrested for prostitution for agreeing to have sex with an undercover cop in exchange for 2 double cheese burgers off the dollar menu at McDonald’s.
The arrest occurred on a Friday.......yet another reason to avoid eating meat on Fridays. Perhaps she might have been OK had the cops been out on Meat Free Mondays.
Speaking of Paul McCartney (you did click on the link above, right?)
Sons of 3 of the Beatles are up for forming a band. Haven't sighed up either of Ringo's kids yet.
They should know their effort isn't necessary. After all the 2 dead Beatles have already reincarnated and will be, huh, stiff competition.
It's being reported that Obama's accusing Romney of having ties to Big Oil. And as we all know, Big Oil Offed John Lennon. Doesn't this all tie in so well?
The European Court of Justice has ordered a Dutch wheelchair manufacturer to stop calling one of their electric models the 'Beatle'. The court said that many baby boomers might now be in the market for a wheelchair and might therefore be susceptible to such [false] advertising.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Regarding Remarks by the President at Easter Prayer Breakfast.

Of course, neither would a Catholic nor would a member of any traditional, Protestant denomination for that matter. According to the teachings of these groups, Christ is "the" Son of God, not "a" Son of God. There was never any question, however of Obama being a Catholic; we all know he's not. He's not even sympathetic towards Catholicism. I don't know if I'd call the current President the most anti-Catholic President this country has ever had, but he's certainly on the short list.
It's said that President Obama attended the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for at least twenty years. I can't say I know the theology of the United Church of Christ regarding Christ being God's only Son. For all I know, that denomination may very well teach that Jesus is only one of many Sons of God. It wouldn't be relevant in Obama's case, as he's on record as saying he didn't listen to what Rev. Wright preached any way.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Santorum Takes Time Off.

I guess the guy has never heard of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter.
Photo of Santorum receiving Holy Communion from Badger Catholic.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Students Pepper Sprayed.
From The Blaze.com;
"Chaos as College Students Pepper Sprayed While Trying to Crash Board Meeting".
"A group of rowdy students at Santa Monica College in California were pepper sprayed on Tuesday after they tried to storm a Board of Trustees meeting. The students are upset about a two-tier pricing plan to increase fees for certain summer classes, some of which were set to be axed for budget cuts.
About 12 students were allowed in the meeting, and the rest were supposed to file into overflow rooms. But the turnout was larger than expected, and about a hundred students then tried to storm and disrupt the meeting. Police eventually used pepper spray to disperse the crowd, and video captured it all."
The students obviously believe that democracy equals mob rule........"about a hundred students then tried to storm and disrupt the meeting". It's unfortunate that the police were forced into taken the action they did, but actions have consequences. Break the law, be disruptive and attempt to rule by mob get pepper sprayed by police.
At the risk of being called a hardhearted bastard - or worse - I have to say that I did not shed tears watching the video.
"Chaos as College Students Pepper Sprayed While Trying to Crash Board Meeting".
"A group of rowdy students at Santa Monica College in California were pepper sprayed on Tuesday after they tried to storm a Board of Trustees meeting. The students are upset about a two-tier pricing plan to increase fees for certain summer classes, some of which were set to be axed for budget cuts.
About 12 students were allowed in the meeting, and the rest were supposed to file into overflow rooms. But the turnout was larger than expected, and about a hundred students then tried to storm and disrupt the meeting. Police eventually used pepper spray to disperse the crowd, and video captured it all."
The students obviously believe that democracy equals mob rule........"about a hundred students then tried to storm and disrupt the meeting". It's unfortunate that the police were forced into taken the action they did, but actions have consequences. Break the law, be disruptive and attempt to rule by mob get pepper sprayed by police.
At the risk of being called a hardhearted bastard - or worse - I have to say that I did not shed tears watching the video.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Three and one half Time Outs Tuesday - the Beatles edition.

According to this story at The Smoking Gun, a 47 year old woman in Florida was arrested for prostitution for agreeing to have sex with an undercover cop in exchange for 2 double cheese burgers off the dollar menu at McDonald’s.
The arrest occurred on a Friday.......yet another reason to avoid eating meat on Fridays. Perhaps she might have been OK had the cops been out on Meat Free Mondays.
Speaking of Paul McCartney (you did click on the link above, right?)
Sons of 3 of the Beatles are up for forming a band. Haven't sighed up either of Ringo's kids yet.
They should know their effort isn't necessary. After all the 2 dead Beatles have already reincarnated and will be, huh, stiff competition.
It's being reported that Obama's accusing Romney of having ties to Big Oil. And as we all know, Big Oil Offed John Lennon. Doesn't this all tie in so well?
The European Court of Justice has ordered a Dutch wheelchair manufacturer to stop calling one of their electric models the 'Beatle'. The court said that many baby boomers might now be in the market for a wheelchair and might therefore be susceptible to such [false] advertising.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
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