It's the 3rd day of the week, so it's time again for 3 1/2 Times Out Tuesday as hosted by LarryD.
Recently, I've posted some thoughts concerning my pessimistic outlook towards our once great nation. Over on the The Distributist Review/ Dr. Thaddeus Kozinski has done a much better job than I ever could in describing liberalism and the god of the American state with a two part article. [The Tradition of Nothing Worship and The Tradition of Nothing Worship II]
A few days ago, I read an article at The American Catholic.com on Tolstoy's Anna Karenina . I was reminded how much I enjoyed reading the book more than 30 years ago and felt like it was due for a re-read.
I started re-reading it last night. I'm certain I'll enjoy reading as much, if not more, this time around.
Before I forget, I want to wish LarryD a belated Happy Birthday. According to his 3 1/2 Time Outs Tuesday post, he received a Trek 7100 Hybrid bicycle; he also said he hoped to ride 300 miles this summer. Go easy on the picaken, Larry.
One of these days, I'm going to go through all the 3 1/2 TOTs I've posted and add a new label......not today, however. Too tired.
Just dropping by to say hi, Bob. It's been a while. I haven't been as active blogging because of work.
I think I'll follow your lead on revisiting some classics. Maybe this time as audiobooks because my eyesight ain't nearly as good.
Cheers, and regards to the family!
Good to hear from you again.
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