Washington Post writer, Robert J. Samuelson wrote recently,
"If you asked my true religion, I would not answer anything practiced in a church, synagogue or mosque. My real religion is America, and I feel privileged that, among the world’s 7 billion people, I am one of the roughly 300 million lucky enough to be an American."
Obviously, he truly means what he says.....he used the word "transcend" twice in his article. A sure sign of religious fervor, if ever I saw any. Odd, though however; he refuses to participate in the religion of America's #1 sacrament - voting.
I haven't been able to find a reference for the exact quote, but I recall, a few years ago, when Pope Benedict XVI visited the Auschwitz concentration camp he was asked by a reporter how viewing the site made him feel as a German. He replied that he was a Catholic first and a German second. That's very much how I feel about being an American - I'm a Catholic first and an American second.
When we get near the 4th of July holiday (or maybe Holy Day for Samuelson) we always come across articles critical of the U.S. as well as articles critical of the criticism and reading some of those criticisms is what prompted me to write this. I'm not exactly pleased with the condition of the country. The downward spiral has been going on for some time. Some would want to place the blame on Obama. He does share his portion of the blame, but he is more symptom than cause. I can hardly believe that the American people were so ignorant and ill informed as to elect Obama in 2008.
Things will only get worse, should he be re-elected this year.
Are the American people so far gone as to re-elect this walking disaster? Unfortunately, they probably are.
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