Saturday, November 14, 2020

Sorry For The Omission


When I made mention, earlier this month, of the passing of actor Sean Connery at age 90, I had forgotten about the passing of one of Connery's co-stars in the film, Goldfinger - Honor Blackman. Blackman was age 95. Of course, Blackman played the part of Pussy Galore.

Although Blackman had done quite a lot of work in both television and films, I'm sorry to say that I don't recall seeing her in anything other than Goldfinger.

In 2012 Blackman publicly criticized Sean Connery for his status as a tax exile. 

 "I disapprove of him strongly now. Because I don't think you should accept a title from a country and then pay absolutely no tax towards it. He wants it both ways. I don't think his principles are very high."

In response to accusations that he was a tax exile, Connery released documents in 2003 showing he had paid £3.7 million in UK taxes between 1997 and 1998 and between 2002 and 2003. As for Connery's title - well, personally, I don't go in for all that knighthood baloney, but if someone can pay fewer taxes, more power to them.

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