Tuesday, January 10, 2017

More of the Same?

Sometimes, when posting photos of Volkswagen Beetles I come upon in the Dumaguete area, it becomes difficult for me to determine whether or not a particular Beetle has been photographed before. After all, there are certainly a limited number of VWs here and I'm bound to eventually see every one. Of course, there are times when I see a Beetle and it is so unique that there's no question I've posted an earlier photo. That' the case with the Black and Green Beetle I saw yesterday. There's no way to deny that it's the very one I posted here.

The difficulty comes when coming across one with a more run of the mill paint job. Such is the situation with the blue VW seen it the above photo, in front of St. Paul's Univ. I've posted blue VW photos before - #1 and #2.

In many ways, the paint color is similar to #2 - more so than #1. However, there is a bit of scraped paint on #2 which isn't visible on this new VW. The hub caps / wheel covers are also dissimilar. The paint job on #1 is of a higher quality, I believe, and the hub caps also don't match in my opinion.

In my estimation, this VW is not #1 or #2 and is a completely different car - one which I have not previously photographed.

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