Sunday, January 28, 2007

Grandfather, father and son.

My father was born in Buffalo,NY in 1924; he died in Atlanta, GA in 1967 when I was 15 years old.We lived far away from his place of birth and he rarely spoke about his childhood.I can look at family photos and I can imagine what his early life was like.Now,83 years after my father's birth,I have a 14 month old son.There are times when I look at my son and it is as if I am looking at my father as he might have been as a child.When we are very young we often see our fathers as supermen.... towers of strength.But, when I see him in my son, I can see how vulnerable my father was. There isn't anyone alive today that remembers my father as a baby.There isn't anyone left who can tell me about the baby in this photo.All I have is my imagination.


Olga said...

Hi Robert. JP looks a lot like you. aren't children such joy? as I'd constantly tell my daughter Abby, you make my heart happy!

It's amazing how we see our parents in our children. Abby has my mother's fingers and my father's impatience. there are so much more! it's a journey of discovery watching out each day what we'd discover next.

Humour and last laugh said...

Nice blog. We discover the mystries of life one by one. Hope your son gives you the happiness.