Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Current Reading List

While I haven't done just a good job keeping this blog up to date the last few months, I have managed to get a bit of reading done. True, the pace of my reading was higher earlier in the year, but I'm still way ahead of last year.

I'm not at all certain how or why I've taken this route, but I recently became interested in books concerning the Spanish Conquistadors, first reading John S.C. Abbott's book on Hernando Cortez. From there, I've gone on to Bernal Diaz del Castillo's first hand account of his adventures with Cortez (in two volumes) and an audio book of Frederick A. Ober's Francisco Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru. I've downloaded, and will soon begin reading, Ober's book on Balboa.

I've no idea where I'll be heading when I've finished the book on Balboa. I'm not sure if I'll continue reading additional books on the Conquistadors or if I'll take some other path. I suppose I'll wait see where Project Gutenberg takes me.

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