Friday, September 14, 2018

Egypt Station - A Review

Paul McCartney is not my favorite Beatle. That honor goes to the late George Harrison. For that matter, I'm not sure if he's even my favorite living Beatle. He and Yoko may be in a tie for 2nd place.

When I first heard that McCartney had released a new work - Egypt Station - I wasn't really all that interested in listening to it. It wasn't until after reading of his embarrassing escapade as described in Vanity Fair, that I had a desire to give the new album a listen. I thought, if McCartney felt that getting the word out that he had a new album was worth telling a story about a Lennon/McCartney group masturbation episode, then I'd check out the album on Spotify.

I thought, no matter how embarrassing the music is, it can't be as embarrassing as his pre-Beatle circle jerk session story.

I've listened to the album twice on Spotify. No, the album isn't horrible. Some of the songs are pleasant enough, but if you're looking for a memorable tune, look somewhere else. There's really nothing new - we've heard all this before. There are no surprises. No Lady Madonna, Hey Jude, Yesterday or even Helter Skelter.

These songs might have been passable had they been written forty-five years ago, but in 2018, the entire album is a stale, warmed over vanilla pudding.

After listening to the album for the 2nd time, I had to rinse the vanilla from my brain by filling it with Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band's Lick my Decals off, Baby. That certainly did the trick.

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