Friday, November 9, 2018

Mango Shake from Scooby's & The Bean Connection

As I mentioned in an earlier post, there's more than one Scooby's in Dumaguete. My last mango shake review was the shake I got at Scooby's Fastfood on San Jose Street across from the Hotel Nicanor. Today's review is of a shake purchased at Scooby's and The Bean Connection located on Silliman Avenue.

Now, one would expect the mango shakes from two Scooby's to be pretty much alike. You couldn't be more wrong. The shakes I bought are completely different.

As I said in the earlier review, the mango shake from Scooby's Fastfood was both good and inexpensive. It seemed to me, however, that the shake did not contain any dairy.

The same isn't true of the mango shake from Scooby's and The Bean Connection. That shake contained dairy was a true shake. Exclamation point. This shake also contained a lot more fresh mango.......bumping the price up to 110 pesos, the second highest priced mango shake I've come upon. I have to say that this one is one of my favorites now. It's far and away much better than the mango shake from Senorita's Mexican Grill, which isn't much cheaper.

I have no idea why the words "Fat Tuesdays" is printed on the cup.

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