Wednesday, November 20, 2019


I mentioned in an earlier post [The Vloggers], that my blog content had dropped considerably for an extended period of time. Sadly, I was merely stating the obvious. A look at my blog archive shows I haven't done much in the past two years.

Still, I was curious as to what sort of audience I'd maintained as my output shrank, so I decided to look at Google analytics to see how I've fared. I set the parameters for the entire year, up to today.

As I expected, nearly all my visitors had come from either the U.S. or Philippines. I was surprised, however to learn where the majority of my visitors from the United States reside. According to Google Analytics, the overwhelming majority of my readers come from Chicago, Illinois and Ashburn VA.

Just why someone in those two cities have shown an interest is beyond me.

I was unfamiliar with Ashburn, VA. I've since learned that the city is a suburb of Washington, D.C., and in my paranoia I thought that perhaps my blog was being "monitored" by some Washington bureaucrat. That irrational fear lasted only a second......I haven't written anything of a political bent in ages. It's more likely that the persons from Chicago and Ashburn have a connection with Dumaguete and find what I write of my experiences here interesting.

My comment section is available to whoever these folks might be, and I'd love to hear from them.

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