Saturday, October 1, 2011

Capt. Eddie Shields.......Nigerian Scammer. Part 14.

Re: concerning Misty Meaner
FROM: Wanda Tuinphro
TO: Capt.eddie Shields
Saturday, September 24, 2011 1:55 AM

Dear Eddie,
I have had very little sleep. I do not know what to do. I have no income. It was Misty's money that we lived on.

Because Tennessee does not recognize our marriage, I cannot get access to the money in Misty's account. I am totally without funds. I desperately need the $40million. I cannot raise any money to pay the and I will lose this money.

I know the money can be gotten from Misty's aunt Lucy, but she will not give it to me. You can get the $4000 from her if you follow my plan. I could help you with any vital information you might have to give Lucy.

If we do not get this money, I will be forced to join Misty.

Re: concerning Misty Meaner
FROM: Capt.eddie Shields
TO: Wanda Tuinphro
Saturday, September 24, 2011 8:08 AM

Ok Wanda, I agree to your plans, But now talking about Misty's aunt, is she single? and if you think she would help us out, I need you to give me an exact write up that I would send to her. I would also need to open a new e-mail address as a Rev, so please, Just send me an exact write up that i would send to Misty's aunt, also give me her house address, and maybe a phone number too.
Will be waiting for your response

Re: concerning Misty Meaner
FROM: Wanda Tuinphro
TO: Capt.eddie Shields
Saturday, September 24, 2011 11:44 AM

Dear Eddie,
Here are a few facts about Misty's aunt Lucy.

Name: Lucy Ricardo
age: about 65 or so.
was once married.......husband dead.
very religious. goes to Africa often to do missionary work.
very, very rich.

I do not know her phone number.
I will send a write up for you later.

the writing
FROM: Wanda Tuinphro
TO: Capt.eddie Shields
Saturday, September 24, 2011 3:39 PM

My Dear Mrs. Ricardo,
First, I realize it is necessary that I should introduce myself. My name is Reverend Eddie Shields.

I am writing to give my deepest sympathy because of the recent passing of your dearest niece - and my good friend - Misty. I know that she is resting in God's arms, yet still I cried when I first learned that she had died due to the terrible accident.

I first met Misty in 2009 when she was in Denver Colorado ( the home base of my church ). We have communicated very often by email and phone since our first meeting. She spoke very highly of you and I know your were a great influence on her.

I am currently doing missionary work in Nigeria. I am struggling to build a new church in the city of Abuja. When Misty learned of my work here, she promised to donate $4000 to help me in my work here.

I know this is a difficult time for you, but I am hoping you can see to help fulfill Misty's wish. I am prepared to set aside a portion of the church building as a memorial for the dear girl.
I wish that I was in Nashville now so that I could attend her funeral, but God has willed that I be here ....... doing His work.

Again, please accept my condolences. I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours in Christ's name,
Reverend Eddie Shields

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part14 Part15

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