Saturday, March 3, 2012

Washington Woman - Warehouse Wedding Update.

Every striving to be on the cutting edge of the blogopolis, I would be remiss if I did not do some sort of update on my post from January, Babylonia Aivaz to Marry Warehouse.

As readers of that post will recall, Seattle "activist" Babylonia Aivaz planned to marry a 100 year old warehouse in a feeble attempt to stop demolition of the building. Ms. Aivaz and the warehouse were married before a group of approximately 50 people.

Sadly, there were protests; haters trying to spoil Babylonia's joyous occasion.

Same sex "marriage" supporters, Johnny McCollum-Blair and Phoenix Lopez argued that this was not a gay marriage. They claimed that Aivaz's insisting that the wedding was a "gay union" was irresponsible.

“Her saying it’s a gay marriage sets the community back with Christians and politicians and gives them a chance to say, ‘See, we told you, they’re going to want to marry everything if we give them the opportunity,’” said Johnny McCollum-Blair. “Having compassion against something you love, I understand, but to call it a gay union is irresponsible.”

The protesters believe that marriage is between two people.

Like my previous post, I had been able to locate a video of the event, which I uploaded to Youtube. That video can be see here:

Much have I loved thee.
Woman, warehouse wed as some object reference to “gay marriage”

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