Saturday, January 20, 2018

The First Week of the New Work Out Routine

As I mentioned in a post written Jan. 11th, Monday, Jan. 15 would be the beginning of a new work out routine. Today being Saturday, I've completed the first week of the new routine.

Monday's work out consisted of dumbbell exercises for back and biceps, to be followed by an abs work out. The dumbbell exercises are as follows:

Dead lift, stiff legged dead lift, bend to opposite foot, wide row, bent over row and one arm row for the back, with alternating biceps curls, inner-biceps curls, hammer curls and seated curls for the biceps.

Wednesday's work out was for chest and triceps - to be followed by an abs work out as well - the exercises being:

Standing fly, lying fly, bench press, bench press with neutral grip, straight arm puller over followed by bent arm pull over for chest. The triceps work out consisted of two-arms triceps extension, triceps kickback, bent-over triceps extension, ending with lying triceps extensions.

Friday was for legs and shoulders. The leg work out exercises are squats, reverse lunge, side lunge, dumbbell swing through, and toe raises. The shoulder work out consists of shoulder press, lateral raises, upright row, front raises (palms in), ending with shoulder shrugs. As with the other days, an abs work out ended the routine.

On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the work out was the Sun Salutations.

Rain prevented me from walking on all but two days.

In addition to the exercises, I've been monitoring my blood pressure. In spite of the exercises, medication and renewed meditation, my blood pressure was showing high numbers at times. I believe the increase is due to my consumption of caffeine. During mid week, I decided to limit my caffeine to only one cup of coffee a day. This would be an afternoon cup.

Looking for a non-caffeinated way of waking up, I've decided to do five minutes of sun salutations on the dumbbell days, as well as the off days. I've found that the sun salutations lower my bp almost immediately.

I'll be changing my abs days to the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday off days.

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