Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Lizard

As she was preparing to do the laundry this morning, our house helper called for me and said, "Sir, you are not afraid of lizards." That was her way of telling me that there was a lizard out back in the area where she cleans our clothes.

I went out back and did not immediately see the lizard. "It's under the rag", she said.

I pulled back the rag hanging below the window, and spotted it. I went for my camera and called my son to come and see the creature.

We frequently see little geckos around the apartment, but they are usually about the length of my finger and a lighter color. This one is the largest one I've come upon.- approximately eight inches long.

It didn't care for us, so it quickly made its way to the roof. I'm glad I was able to get these two shots before it escaped.

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