Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Neal Ignorant, Cowardly Bully.

The one issue on which he and I will never agree is abortion and it is on this subject that I believe him to be an ignorant, cowardly bully.
He is guilty of ignorance when he states that the overall supporters of restrictions on abortion are men who wish to control women's reproductive organs. The men I know who are pro-life are just The notion that men want to control women's reproductive organs is absurd beyond belief. He claims that any emails he receives condemning abortion are exclusively from men. It's as if women are predominately pro-abortion. I personally know more pro-life women than I do women who are pro-abortion. Is that because he and I travel in different circles?
He is a coward because he refuses to allow any phone calls on the abortion issue. Any caller simply mentioning the word will be immediately cut off.
He is a bully because, although he will not allow callers to comment on abortion, he does not hesitate to tell us his opinion on the subject. Needless to say, his opinion is hardly flattering to pro-life Republicans.
Boortz believes that the Republican Party will no longer be a national party of consequence so long as Republicans oppose abortion. On the contrary; Boortz needs to realize that his beloved Libertarian Party will never gain national prominence so long as their platform is pro-abortion. Conservatives appreciate the Libertarian views on the size of government and the need to lower taxes and spending, but we don't like the Party's abortion stance.
Boortz' abortion views may go a long way to explaining why he will never reach the popularity of Limbaugh and Hannity among Conservatives.
Bloggers Unite for Hunger and Hope.

• Right now, more than 500 million people are living in "absolute poverty" and more than 15 million children die of hunger every year.
• World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the population is underfed and another third is starving.
• Even in the United States, 46 percent of African-American children and 49 percent of Latino children are considered chronically hungry.
BlogCatalog and Heifer International are calling for the end of world hunger and a start of hope today, April 29.
All I have to do to end world hunger is to join "thousands" of others bloggers today and write a post about world hunger.
I wish it were that easy. As much as we all want our fellow human beings to have their "daily bread", I know that nothing will be accomplished by a group of bloggers writing about something of which they have little first-hand knowledge.
Of course, the intentions are good; but, a starving child cannot eat your good intentions. There will be some reading this who will call me a hard-hearted, cruel bastard. I'm not. I just realize that we do not live in a Utopia where man is capable of removing all the bad things in the world.
As long as we believe man can do this on his own, we will continue to live in a world of hunger, poverty, war and disease.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
More Shameless Self-Promotion.
I'm at it again.
In last Thursday's post [2009 Cannonball Catholic Blog Awards.] I wrote how one of my other blogs - D'offus of the Big-Doofus - was nominated for an award.
Afterward, I did a bit of humorous self-promotion on the blog viz a viz the award .....Stealing the 2009 Cannonball Blog Award.
Now,I see the Crescat has commented on the post - even posting the image I used.[a blogger proud to be nominated.]
I've checked the Google Analytics and discovered that the Crescat link has brought in quite a few hits. Of course, now, with the additional attention, I have to do a better job of keeping the blog updated.....and I have to be sure those updates are funny.
An Email from Saxby Chambliss.

In that post, I described Johnsen's outrageous views on abortion and I included a link from Susan B Anthony List for anyone wishing to contact their Senators to oppose Johnsen's nomination.
Today, I received an email from one of my Senators - Saxby Chambliss -. I'm posting that email below.
Thank you for contacting me regarding the nomination of Dawn Johnsen. I appreciate hearing from you.
On January 5, 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Dawn Johnsen for the position of Legal Counsel for the Department of Justice. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a confirmation hearing on her nomination on March 19, 2009.
The Office of Legal Counsel is effectively the Executive Branch's internal final legal authority; the White House and all Executive Branch agencies look to the Office of Legal Counsel to advise them on what the law requires when policy is being formulated and implemented. Given the extraordinary power delegated to the Office of Legal Counsel, it is essential to the proper functioning of our government that the Office adhere to the long-standing tradition of providing carefully considered, detached, and non-political legal advice.
Ms. Johnsen's position on several key national security issues gives me great concern, leading me to believe she might exercise the legal authority of the Office of Legal Counsel in ways that will constrain the ability of our government to protect the nation. Along with advocating closing Guantanamo Bay and transferring terrorist detainees to American soil, she has also suggested civilian trials for detainees. Furthermore, Ms. Johnsen publicly admitted doubts that America is "truly in a global war against violent religious radicalism", and has been outspoken on limiting the President's and intelligence community's national security powers.
I am also concerned because Ms. Johnsen has a clear record on abortion matters which are well beyond mainstream legal thought. For example, she authored a brief for the Supreme Court opposing a state law that she claimed would curtail a woman's access to abortion services, arguing such laws could result in "forced pregnancy," which she compared to "involuntary servitude, prohibited by the Thirteenth Amendment" ban on slavery.
Ms. Johnsen's record as a lawyer and as an academic on critical issues, such as national security law and abortion issues, raise serious doubts regarding her qualification to lead one of the most critical legal offices in the government. Therefore, I cannot support her confirmation.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Ad Affiliates.

My affiliation with these companies is strictly on commission; sadly, I haven't generated much of it from the affiliates. However, while I haven't earned a great deal of commissions, the affiliates have helped bring in money in a round-about sort of way.
I've used my pen pal affiliates to create two blogs ...... and These two blogs have managed to get a bit of traffic because of my "profiling" these pen pal sites.This traffic has, in turn, lead folks to the blog who are inclined to click on the Google Adsense ads that come up on the blogs.
The photo is a screen shot of two of the newer affiliates.
I'm not going to be able to quit my day job....but, the increase in hits is certainly a plus.
Friday, April 24, 2009
2009 Cannonball Catholic Blog Awards.
The awards are presented by Carolina Cannonball at The Crescat..... blog.
As I write this, the awards are still in the nominating stage (until May 1). I'm not sure how the voting goes.....there doesn't seem to be any way to vote now. I'm encouraging my
The Crescat...: and the nominees are...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day 2009.

I'm no scientist. It's not easy for me to judge the accuracy of the environmental news I come across. I have to depend, on large part, on what others are saying.
Radio talk show personalities - Limbaugh- Hannity and Boortz- put forth convincing arguments that "climate change" is a scheme to promote the expansion of government control. The "solutions" put forth by the environmentalists give credence to that.
On the other hand, I have to take into account what the Vatican and Pope Benedict have said on the subject. Addressing the United Nations in 2007, Archbishop Celestino Migliore said,
"The scientific evidence for global warming and for humanity's role in the increase of greenhouse gasses becomes ever more unimpeachable, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change findings are going to suggest; and such activity has a profound relevance, not just for the environment, but in ethical, economic, social and political terms as well."
While agreeing that the evidence for climate change is substantial, Pope Benedict has said that any solutions to global warming must be based on firm evidence and not on dubious ideology.
The Catholic Coalition on Climate Change believe the proper response to the problem is for us to embrace the teachings of the Church and the principles of prudence, poverty and the common good.
Most Christians - both Catholic and Protestants - would agree that we have a responsibility to be good stewards of God's creation. We shouldn't let our justifiable disdain for the "environmentalist wackos" and leftists lead us away from that.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Thoughts on a Baptist Service.
There's certainly no shortage of Baptist churches here. I'm pretty sure there's one every quarter mile or so.
The message given by the Catholic nuns fifty years ago (concerning Protestant churches) has stayed with me. Under no circumstances , we were told as children, were we to step foot into a Protestant church.
Looking back, I'm not sure how much of that message was an actual Catholic teaching of the day, or how much of it was just the prejudicial feelings of the nuns involved.
Things have lightened up somewhat over the years; I've visited a few Protestant churches....Methodist, Church Of God, Presbyterian......never with the intention of converting, but because someone close to me was having some sort of event at their particular church.
Last night, I saw my first baptism in a Baptist church.
I don't know how typical this particular Baptist church is. At the beginning of the service we were "entertained" by children singing. I put the word "entertained" in quotation marks because, honestly, I was not impressed by the singing. None of the children had the slightest idea how to carry a tune. Some of the children soloists sang in a monotone with no melody what-so-ever. Those that did attempt to sing a melody were, sadly, unable to stay in any musical key.
I don't say this to be mean or cruel, but the singing could only be appreciated by a parent or grandparent. We've all heard stories of professional singers who got their start in the church choir. That's not going to be the case with any I heard last night.
The photo shown here is taken from a webcast of an earlier service at that particular church. In the front of the church, you'll see an light blue area (with a dove painted on the wall). This is the place where the baptisms take place. You can't tell from this photo, but the lower section of the blue area contains a tub of sorts. The candidate for baptism sits in the tub of water while the preacher says a word or two. Then, holding his or her nose, the person is dunked under water.
After the baptisms, the preacher went back down to the podium to give his sermon.
The sermon du jour was based around the parable of the prodigal son. I didn't have any problem with the point of his sermon. In spite of the fact that he was certain his words would make some in the church angry, the preacher's words didn't appear to me to be controversial in any way.
If I had to say anything critical about the sermon, it would be the volume of the sermon.
This preacher loved to scream at the top of his lungs.
I'm not going to get into a theological dissertation on the validity of Baptist teachings versus the teachings of the Catholic church. The only point I wish to make is that I can't imagine Jesus screaming and yelling in this way as He spoke to the people of His day. I've always believed Christ to be a calming presence. Sure, there was anger when He drove the money changers from the temple, but overall, this "scream-preaching" doesn't come across as very Christ-like to me.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Janeane Garofalo says Tea Parties were Racist.

Liberal actress and political activist Janeane Garofalo, in all seriousness, said activists who attended tea parties are racists with dysfunctional brains in a recent prime-time television appearance.
"Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House," she said on MSNBC's "The Countdown" with Keith Olbermann Thursday evening. "This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that."
Olbermann did not once try to challenge her on those assertions.
The actress went on to describe the brain size of typical "right-winger, Republican or conservative or your average white power activist."
"Their synapses are misfiring. ... It is a neurological problem we are dealing with," she said. This isn't the first time she's offered this analysis, either. Ms. Garofalo said similar things about Alaskan GOP Governor Sarah Palin's brain last February in an interview with an environmental blog.
The actress went on to bash the GOP on MSNBC Thursday because it had "crystallized into the white power movement" as well as Fox News, which she said has captured the "Klan demo[graphic]."
"Who else is Fox talking to? Urban older white guys and their girlfriends who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome," she said.
Ironically, Ms. Garofalo is currently playing a role on the drama 24, which is aired by the Fox Broadcasting Company and is popular among conservative circles.
Rome, Georgia's Tea Party.
I couldn't attend, but I was able to snatch this photo from the Rome-News Tribune website. The photo shows a number of women - dressed as squaw - dumping tea into the Oostanaula river from the Chief John Ross Memorial Bridge.
I find it amusing that this bridge was used as the spot from which to dump the tea. The bridge is relatively new and was the cause of a bit of controversy - many locals saw its construction as a complete waste of tax payer money. Our own little bridge to nowhere.
If it serves no other purpose than a place to hold tax-protest rallies, the bridge may be worthwhile after all.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tea Time on the Clinton News Network.
The headline says the reporter was harassed.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Dolphins Thwart Pirates.
China Radio International was reporting Monday that while Chinese merchant ships were being escorted through the Gulf of Aden, the ships were approached by suspected pirate ships. According to the report [] , thousands of dolphins suddenly leaped out of water between the pirates and the merchant ships - blocking the pirates.
The report goes on to say, "The suspected pirates ships stopped and then turned away. The pirates could only lament their littleness before the vast number of dolphins. The spectacular scene continued for a while."
I made several phone calls in an attempt to interview Flipper and get his take on the incident, but a spokesman for the famous Bottlenose Dolphin told me that he was unavailable for comments.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Casting the new Pirate Movie.
"In an offhand remark, a senior US official told ABC News host George Stephanopoulos that the bold rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips from a band of Somali pirates over the weekend was "going to make a great movie."
Immediately, some began speculating on who might appear in the movie. More than one person has noticed a resemblance between Capt. Richard Phillips and actor Dan Ackroyd ( though, to tell you the truth, Ackroyd would be a bit old for the part).
Rush Limbaugh had a different take.

Of course, I had to get in the act by coming up with this photo from the movie trailer.

Monday, April 13, 2009
Obama plays it Safe.

St. John's is nicknamed "Church of the Presidents".
Although I would not attend services at an Episcopal Church, I don't necessarily have a problem with the President of the United States going there....provided he is an Episcopalian. Obama isn't and has no intention of becoming one.
This idea that "any ol' church will do" shows a lack of spiritual development. Obama has been in Washington, D.C. since , at least, 2004 when he was elected to the U.S. Senate.......he's known since November, 2008 that he and the family would be living in D.C. for , at least another four years and in all that time, he has yet to find a suitable church home.
This lack of spiritual commitment probably won't hurt him politically. Being a typical politician, Obama had to attend church this Easter. Too many Americans go to church only on Easter and they expect the POTUS to do likewise.
I'm curious to see what sort of religious upbringing he has in store for his children. That's the real question.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Obama Votes "Present" on Pirates.

This is the exchange that took place with reporters and President Obama. Is very quick, it's only five seconds.
REPORTER: Can we get a quick reaction to the pirates, the Somali pirates?
OBAMA: Guys, we're talking about housing right now.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
White House denies Bow.
Smith quotes an unnamed Obama aide,"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah".
I'm not buying it. Anyone who views the video can see for themselves.
Obama was giving us a clear picture of just how stupid he really is. Lying will only make it worse.
Of course, I'm sure if you are intoxicated from drinking way too much Obama Kool-aide© , you'll believe Obama over your own eyes.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Obama Bows Down to King Abdullah.

The more I thought about it,however, the more I realized that this was much too serious for that blog and I needed to write about it here.
What the Hell does Obama think he's doing?
American Presidents do not bow down to foreign American citizen does that.
We fought a revolution to rid ourselves of the monarchy. Does Obama not know that? Try and imagine the uproar it would have caused had George Bush done the same thing.
I wonder what Iran's Ayatollah_Khamenei thinks about this incident. You know he's not going to bow down before Abdullah.
I hate to tell you folks who voted for Obama; you elected an idiot. It's just that simple.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Kelvin Williams. Part Eleven.
I find it hard to believe that I've been about to keep this guy going for nearly a month. I've used a number of characters.... Fred and Lamont Sanford, Misty Meaner, Wanda Tuinphro and Lucy Ricardo. I suppose I could just keep adding new folks, but I'm running out of ideas.
At any rate, here are the latest emails exchanges between Kelvin the scammer and Lamont Sanford.
Thursday, April 2, 2009 8:17 AM
From: Lamont Sanford
Dear Mr. Williams,
Pardon me, but I am a little confused.
I have been looking over the ID you sent to me and there is a problem.
You tell me your name is Kelvin Williams but your ID is for Kevin Williams.
Are you Kelvin or Kevin?
I believe you should explain this right away.
Thursday, April 2, 2009 11:52 AM
To: Lamont Sanford
I saw your mail and this will make me to update it right away because on my way to office a week ago my car and some official document were hijacked by some gang of robber so i went to office to demand for a new ID which was made and scan into my office computer by the new secretary so i think she made the mistake with the name since she is not familiar with it because she was just employed into the organization.And i will use this means to thank you for bringing it to my notice because the ID has not yet being laminated so i will tell her to make amendment right away so please kindly bear with me.
Mr. Kelvin Williams
Friday, April 3, 2009 10:19 AM
From: Lamont Sanford
Thank you for clearing up the question about your ID.
I have another question. At one point in your emails, you say the fee is $ another part you say the fee is $350.
Which is it? 370 or 350?
Friday, April 3, 2009 3:45 PM
To: Lamont Sanford
I saw your mail an as you can see my ID am no longer growing young anymore likewise my body system.Am very sorry for the error, the fee demanded was just $350 so kindly go am make the payment.
Best of Regards
Mr. Kelvin Williams
Sunday, April 5, 2009 11:28 AM
To: Lamont Sanford
How are you doing? it"s being long you mail me and i just want to inform you that i have already contact the courier company and they are assuring me that as soon as the payment is made they are ready to dispatch your parcel which contain your ATM card and other document to you. So i greatly urge you to go and make the payment as soon as possible.
Mr. Kelvin Williams
Monday, April 6, 2009 7:59 AM
From: Lamont Sanford
Dear Mr Williams,
I do not understand this email.
I received your notification for your new email address. I thought you were no longer using your gmail account.
I have already sent the money to Wanda Tuinphro as you requested and all the information was sent to your new email.
Thank you,
Lamont Sanford
Monday, April 6, 2009 1:14 PM
To: Lamont Sanford
I have just receive you mail andfc iwant to tell you that you go and withdraw the money because the person you sent the money to was a scammer your father once told me about that knows about the ATM card and the Fund on it so quickly go and withdraw the money because those one of the scammer we have tracking for a long time i will mail you one of his scam message that your father forward to me before he turn deceased.And dont contact any body stating that i have change my ID , if i do i will inform you with this ID.
Mr. Kelvin Williams
Monday, April 6, 2009 1:21 PM
To: Lamont Sanford
from Fred Sanford
date Mar 20, 2009 4:53 AM
subject another email
Dear Mr. Williams,
I have received another email from the man claiming he is you.
I have copied his email here for you to read....perhaps it will help you with your investigation.
He also sent a photo ID which I am sending to you.
Please advise,
Payment Information
Western Union information
Senders Name :
Receiver Name : Wanda Tuinphro
Address :Lagos/Nigeria
Amount:$ 180
Text Question : State
Answer : confusion
Monday, April 6, 2009 1:39 PM
To: Lamont Sanford
I just want you to send me the payment information so i can check maybe the money has being picked up and if it has being pick up so i can forward a copy to the Board of Director to inform them about the payment which you made to the wrong person.
Mr. Kelvin Williams
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 12:14 AM
From: Lamont Sanford
Dear Sir,
I have already received an email telling me that my $350 payment has been received and my ATM card for $10.5 million is on the way.
It due to arrive within 24 hours.
Thank you for your help
Lamont Sanford
Monday, April 6, 2009
Kelvin Williams. Part Ten.
Here are the latest exchanges between Kelvin and Lucy Ricardo......posting the latest emails to and from Lamont Sanford would be too much to read now. Those will be put on an upcoming post.
Thursday, April 2, 2009 11:58 AM
To: Lucy Ricardo
I saw your mail i want to tell you that the $260 when paid is to be forwarded to the courier company who are going to ship the ATM card to you and the amount loaded on the ATM card is 10.5million$.So i urge you to go and make the payment right away to the western union payment information sent to you lately so as to get the ATM card.
Mr. Kelvin Williams
Friday, April 3, 2009 6:50 AM
From: Lucy Ricardo
Dear Mr Williams,
I had no idea that this card would be worth so much. This is wonderful !!!
I know that you had dealings with Misty, but I really do not know you. Can you send some sort of photo ID so I know you are who you say you are?
Thank you,
Friday, April 3, 2009 9:18 AM
To: Lucy Ricardo
I saw your mail and it was well understood because misty herself requested for one before she turn decease and that is why ma attaching a copy of my ID ti this mail.
Best of Regards
Mr. Kelvin Williams
[Note: I.D. can be seen here.]
Friday, April 3, 2009 10:21 AM
From: Lucy Ricardo
Thank you for your ID.
I see I have been making a mistake with your name. I thought your name was Kelvin.
I see now your name is really Kevin. Thank you for clearing up this mistake for me.
Friday, April 3, 2009 3:41 PM
To: Lucy Ricardo
Thanks very much for the confirmation and i will like you to go and make the payment as soon as possible in order for you to get the ATM card.
Mr. Kevin Williams
Saturday, April 4, 2009 7:02 AM
From: Lucy Ricardo
Dear Mr Williams,
I sent the money as you requested.
You can pick it up now at the Western Union office.
Saturday, April 4, 2009 8:12 AM
To: Lucy Ricardo
How are you doing? i saw your mail stating you have make the payment,but our pick up person can not go to the western union office to pick up the money without any information of payment made, so kindly send the information to me or better still scan the payment receipt and send it to me.
Mr.K. Williams
Saturday, April 4, 2009 9:01 PM
From: Lucy Ricardo
here is the information you need.
Senders Name : Lucy Ricardo
Receiver Name : Tonia Utomi
Address :Lagos/Nigeria
Text Question : color
Answer : Blue
Sunday, April 5, 2009 11:22 AM
To: Lucy Ricardo
How are you doing? the information you sent were also needed but the most important one needed for our pick up personel to pick up the money is the MTCN number, quickly mail that back to me as soon as you get my mail because i have inform the courier company about the fund and our pick up person is at stand to cash the money.
Mr. Williams
Sunday, April 5, 2009 2:15 PM
From: Lucy Ricardo
What is the MTCN?
Monday, April 6, 2009 4:40 AM
To: Lucy Ricardo
How are you doing? i saw your mail stating that what is MTCN, it"s a 10 digit number on the receipt being issued to you after making the payment and if you think you can not locate this you can scan the receipt given to you at the western union office and send it to me right away so i can show the pick up person to and she take all information needed from it in picking up the money.
Mr. Williams
Monday, April 6, 2009 6:53 AM
From: Lucy Ricardo
hello Kevin,
I will try and locate the receipt. I put it on the table in the kitchen when I returned from Western Union, but it is not there now.
I think the cat was playing with it.
I am sure it is in the house. I will try to find it.
Friday, April 3, 2009
My Birthday Present to Myself.

I ordered the book back on March, 24 - along with Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning by Jonah Goldberg.
I bought the two books as a birthday present to myself. I wasn't expecting the books to arrive until April least that's what told me. (my birthday falls on Easter, this year).
Not sure which book to start reading first.
It's a shame the books didn't arrive last week - when I was laid off from work. I would have had lots of time to read them. The work schedule has changed this week. I think I'll be working this Friday (which is a big change for us) and there's even a rumor we'll have to work Good Friday. I'll take a vacation day if that's the case.
When I post this, I'll know whether or not I'll be working Friday......(it'll be Friday when I post this).
I'll let you know which book I picked up first.
As it turned out, I decided to read Goldberg's book first. It's been on my wish list for ages.
I haven't gotten too far into it, so I can't possibly write a review, but, I can say that it's living up to my expectations.
Goldberg admits that fascism is one of those words that is used more often than understood. A thorough definition of the word has alluded historians. Goldberg's view is that fascism is, simply put, a secular religion. I agree.
That goes a long way to explaining the Left's obsession with the destruction of Christianity.
Don't get me started on global warming, animal rights and Obama.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Kelvin Williams. Part Nine.
I continued to try and bait him with emails from Lucy and even introduced a new character to try to get him to respond.
I was beginning to think that I had gone too far with the photo of Misty (click on this at your own risk).
Much to my surprise, the emails from Kelvin started to trickle back in on it's all back up and running.
I have a backlog of correspondence. To prevent this from being a burden to read, I've decided to post these new emails in two parts.....eight and nine.
These emails are not as funny as some from the previous parts, but we need to get back up to speed.
Friday, March 27, 2009 9:15 AM
From: Lucy Ricardo
Dear Mr Williams,
I have good news !!!!!
The doctors say Misty can be released from the hospital this afternoon.
One of her distant relatives will retrieve her today and bring her back to the shelter.
I know she will be excited to email at her first opportunity.
Lucy Ricardo.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009 12:43 PM
From: Lucy Ricardo
Dear Mr. Williams,
I was hoping you would have contacted me before now.
I am afraid I have very sad news to give you.
I told you in my last email that Misty would be released from the hospital......however, things have gone so terribly wrong. As she was leaving the hospital with her uncle, the two were killed in an automobile accident.
I understand that the two of you had some business arrangement. I hope I can be of help to you now that Misty has gone to her Lord.
Take care,
Lucy Ricardo
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 5:29 AM
To: Lucy Ricardo
How are you doing? i wish i have mail you before then but me myself was not feeling well and am just resuming office today,and believe me am very shock to hear this and i hope her gentle soul rest in perfect peace with her lord.
And i want to appreciate all your effort on her before she turn deceased and i never knew she told you anything pertaining to what is between me and her, and am hoping you can continue,the issue is that we don't have any business together. i only have her ATM card here with which is loaded with her money so if you think you are eligible enough to stand for her you should let me know as soon as you got this mail.
Best of Regards
Mr. Kelvin Williams
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 10:00 AM
From: Lucy Ricardo
Dear Mr Williams,
Do you think I am eligible to receive her ATM card?
I am not related to the dear girl. She does have distant kin who may try to get the money if it is known to them.
Please keep me up to date. I need to know what I am expected to do to get this card.
Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:40 AM
To: Lucy Ricardo
how are you doing? i saw your mail and i have told the Board of Director of my Bank about it and they told me you can get the ATM card since you are the only one who she told about it because all we have to do is to dispatch the card as directed by the Ministry of Finance to eligible person since neither any of her relative nor kin knew about this, then you must be trustworthy person since can have discuss this with you before her death and i believe you can manage the fund on her behalf.So if you think you can receive the ATM card all you have to do now is for you to pay $260 for us to prepare some paper work on both of you behalf and the delivery charges demanded by the courier company who are going to ship the ATM card to you with no further delay to the western union payment information below.And don"t discuss this with any other person except me so all procedure can be executed smoothly.
Payment Information
Western Union information
Senders Name :
Receiver Name : Tonia Utomi
Address :Lagos/Nigeria
Text Question : color
Answer : Blue
My Regards to you and your family
Mr. Kelvin Williams
Thursday, April 2, 2009 7:59 AM
From: Lucy Ricardo
Dear Mr.Williams,
I have read over your emails.
I do not understand why I should pay $260 for an ATM card.
You say it is loaded with much money are you talking about?
Kelvin Williams. Part Eight.
I continued to try and bait him with emails from Lucy and even introduced a new character to try to get him to respond.
I was beginning to think that I had gone too far with the photo of Misty (click on this at your own risk).
Much to my surprise, the emails from Kelvin started to trickle back in on it's all back up and running.
I have a backlog of correspondence. To prevent this from being a burden to read, I've decided to post these new emails in two parts.....eight and nine.
These emails are not as funny as some from the previous parts, but we need to get back up to speed.
Friday, March 27, 2009 6:57 PM
From: Lamont Sanford
Dear Mr. Williams,
My name is Lamont Sanford. I am the only son of Mr. Fred Sanford.
I understand that you have......or have had....some sort of business with my father.
It is my sad duty to tell you that my dear father has died.
He and I had traveled far from our home to attend the funeral of my father's sister. While we were in this far away city, my father found it necessary to fetch his niece from the hospital there.
As he was escorting her from the hospital, an ice cream delivery truck driver lost control of his vehicle and ran over my father and my cousin. Both were killed instantly.
As Mr Sanford's only son, I have inherited his business and property. I understand you have some business with him, although I do not know the nature of this business.
If you would like to continue this business with me, please send me information so I can preview the arrangement.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Lamont Sanford.
Monday, March 30, 2009 10:24 AM
To: Lamont Sanford
I am Mr. Kelvin Williams and i am very sorry to gear this and i will greatly urge you to accept my sympathy.
I am the Manager of the ATM department in my bank and i have your father ATM card which his fund of 10.5 million US$ is loaded with and your father has been contacted to contact me so he can get his ATM card and he has sent me all the details needed for verification and it has being verified by me and it shows that he his the rightful owner of the ATM card and at this point all that is remaining before the ugly incident is for him to go and make the payment which is 370$ demanded by the courier company who are going to ship the ATM card to him.So if you wish to reclaim what belong to you, you have to mail me back as soon as you got my mail.
Best of Regards
Mr. Kelvin Williams
Monday, March 30, 2009 10:50 AM
To: Lamont Sanford
I just want to tell you that i forget to attach my ID to my previous mail and i got it attached to this one please download it for confirmation reason.
Mr. Kelvin Williams
[Note: The ID is the same as the one previously sent to Fred.]
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 5:46 AM
To: Lamont Sanford
how are you doing? it has being a while i heard from you, i have told the Board of Director about the accident and they told me to inform you that you continue with the process of getting the ATM card started by your late fahter so am waiting for your acceptance to continue so kindly mail me back so i can inform the Board about the new update.
Mr. Kelvin Willliams
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 9:56 AM
From: Lamont Sanford
Hello Mr. Williams,
I am sure you realize that I have been preoccupied these past few days. I am sorry that I have not been able to reply to your emails sooner.
I am looking forward to working with you to obtain the ATM card.
Please let me know what I can do to expedite this matter.
Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:50 AM
To: Lamont Sanford
How are you doing? i saw your mail and i want to assure that the ATM card loaded with your is ready and all you have to do now is for you to go and make the payment for the delivery charge which is $350 stated by the courier company who are going to ship your ATM card to your step with no further delay,so go and make the payment to the western union payment information as soon as possible in order for you to get the ATM card as earlier as possible.
NOTE:you don't have to discuss this with any other person except me so all due procedure can be executed perfectly.
Payment Information
Western Union information
Senders Name :
Receiver Name : Tonia Utomi
Address :Lagos/Nigeria
Text Question : color
Answer : Blue
My Regards to you and your family
Mr. Kelvin Williams
Thursday, April 2, 2009 8:17 AM
From: Lamont Sanford
Dear Mr. Williams,
Pardon me, but I am a little confused.
I have been looking over the ID you sent to me and there is a problem.
You tell me your name is Kelvin Williams but your ID is for Kevin Williams.
Are you Kelvin or Kevin?
I believe you should explain this right away.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Obama's Resignation.

You can't imagine how excited I am to read this.
The link to the Big Doofus post is My Resignation.
The whole story can be found on the Internet News Network web site...Obama Resigns.