Re: the writing
FROM: Capt.eddie Shields
TO: Wanda Tuinphro
Saturday, September 24, 2011 5:56 PM
Hello Wanda,
I got your mail, and that is a very nice write up, I have sent her the mail, but the problem now is that she might want to send the payment in Nigeria, and that would be a problem, though I have a friend there that works in Nigeria, he may be able to help pick up the funds and send them down, Or what if she decides to speak with me on phone? How do you think we could go about this ? I also sent my passport Id as a prove of who I am. Get back to me, and update me, I would also let you nkow as soon as I hear back from her.
God Bless
Re: the writing
FROM: Wanda Tuinphro
TO: Capt.eddie Shields
Saturday, September 24, 2011 6:13 PM
we will have to wait and she how she replies.
From Rev.Eddie Shields
Saturday, September 24, 2011 5:23 PM
From: "Rev. Eddie Shields" (
To: Lucy Ricardo
My Dear Mrs. Ricardo,
First, I realize it is necessary that I should introduce myself. My name is Reverend Eddie Shields.
I am writing to give my deepest sympathy because of the recent passing of your dearest niece - and my good friend - Misty. I know that she is resting in God's arms, yet still I cried when I first learned that she had died due to the terrible accident.
I first met Misty in 2009 when she was in Denver Colorado ( the home base of my church ). We have communicated very often by email and phone since our first meeting. She spoke very highly of you and I know your were a great influence on her.
I am currently doing missionary work in Nigeria. I am struggling to build a new church in the city of Abuja. When Misty learned of my work here, she promised to donate $4000 to help me in my work here.
I know this is a difficult time for you, but I am hoping you can see to help fulfill Misty's wish. I am prepared to set aside a portion of the church building as a memorial for the dear girl.
I wish that I was in Nashville now so that I could attend her funeral, but God has willed that I be here ....... doing His work.
Again, please accept my condolences. I hope to hear from you soon, I have attach my Id in this mail.
Yours in Christ's name,
Reverend Eddie Shields
Re: From Rev.Eddie Shields
Sunday, September 25, 2011 6:19 AM
From: Lucy Ricardo
To: "Rev. Eddie Shields" (
My dear brother in Christ,
Thank you so much for your recent email. Your words mean more to me than you can ever know. For many years, my niece Misty lead a sinful life. I am happy to know that she had a friendship with a man of God.
I wish that you could be here Monday for the poor girl's funeral service, but I know your missionary work in Nigeria is extremely important. I have been to that country on missionary work many times. The people there are in desperate need for God's word. I know for a fact that almost all children born of Nigerian women have fathers from Chad, Benin or Cameroon. As I am sure you know, the Nigerian men are overwhelmingly homosexual. The Nigerian male would rather have sexual relations with a goat than a woman. While it's true that the Nigerian women are the ugliest women in Africa, it is a sin for the men there to prefer other men or animals over their wives.
I will be happy to send the money you need to complete your church. Let me know how much you need and where I can send it.
Again, thank you for your kind words concerning Misty. I'd like to believe that she is resting in God's arms.
Lucy Ricardo.
Have you heard?
FROM: Wanda Tuinphro
TO: Capt.eddie Shields
Sunday, September 25, 2011 9:55 AM
Capt. Eddie,
Have you received a reply from Lucy?
Will she give you the money?
Re: Have you heard?
FROM: Capt.eddie Shields
TO: Wanda Tuinphro
Sunday, September 25, 2011 10:42 AM
Hello, How do you do today ?
Yes she said she was going to help me, But my problem now is where she would be sending this to because we need to close this deal by Tuesday lattest. Please do you know any Fred and Lamont Sanford ?? I would keep you posted
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Part 13