Of course, every U.S. Presidential election is important, but for the pro-life, conservative religious person the situation could not be more critical.
I'm not John McCain's biggest fan. I didn't vote for him in the Republican primary; saying that I am disappointed in his being the Republican candidate would be an understatement.When it became clear that he was the GOP's pick, I began to seriously look at third party candidates. Bob Barr had been my representative when he was in Congress and going to his side was an easy choice for me.
There were two things that brought me around to McCain. First, his picking Sarah Palin for VP.
I had written about Palin in August before McCain made his preference known. [Who will McCain Pick?] Back then, everyone was saying he'd choose Leberman or Romney or Pawlenty and I wasn't happy. I was hoping he'd go against the conventional wisdom, but I wasn't optimistic. When I heard he picked Palin, I was enthusiastic about the race for the first time.
Secondly, I was growing increasingly weary of Barack Obama. I was uncomfortable with his socialist leanings and his pro abortion views made him unacceptable.....but it was his votes on the Illinois version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act that frightened me most of all.[Matthew 25 Obama and Abortion.]
It's hard for me to believe that the American people would vote for someone with such a callous disregard for innocent human life.
I've done my part. I've already voted here in Georgia. [Vote Early-Vote Often]
All I can do now is pray.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops published a Novena for Faithful Citizenship and is available as podcasts or as a pdf. [http://www.faithfulcitizenship.org/resources/podcasts]
Although they asked that people pray the novena on nine consecutive Tuesdays up until the election (too late for that) they said one could create any combination that works. There's certainly enough time between now and the election to pray the novena.
Adding a Rosary every day wouldn't hurt.
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