Finding myself downtown this morning, with time to kill, I thought I'd drive over to the Gabby's Bisro located on the 2nd floor of the Paseo Perdices building on Rizal blvd. While there, I could have a mango shake and continue on my quest to review the wide variety of mango shakes found in and around Dumaguete.
This was not my first visit to this particular Gabby's Bistro. Nor is it the first time I've tried the shakes here. However, I did want to have a photo of a Gabby's mango shake for this blog post. If that meant having one today, well so be it. No sacrifice is too great for this blog.
The mango shakes at this particular Gabby's Bistro are absolutely delicious. Very thick, very creamy, with a slightly tangy mango flavor. There's definitely fresh fruit it this shake. The mango shakes at Gabby's are the sine qua non of mango shakes; the mango shake by which all other mango shakes must be compared.
Well worth the 75 php charged - (about $1.40 at the current rate of exchange).