Tuesday, August 23, 2016

National Catholic Register Fires Mark Shea

On August 19, Mark Shea published a post entitled Teen Trump Supporter Kicked Out of Trump Rally. The subject of that particular post isn't the point of my post - actually, it's subject isn't relevant to what I have to say. In his post, someone left a comment, for Mark telling him that he was no longer listed as a blogger at National Catholic Register. I immediately went to the Register website and found that, indeed Shea was not listed among their bloggers.

Thinking there was simply a glitch involved, I typed in http://www.ncregister.com/blog/mark-shea/, which took me to Shea's blog posts; the last one being published just four days earlier. After reading on Shea's patheos.com blog that he had been fired from National Catholic Register, I checked my DISQUS comments to verify the date. Doing that, I learned that my comment, as well as the comment that prompted it, were removed.

I'm not really surprised that the comment would have been removed, considering that Shea has closed the comments on his post announcing his firing.

From LarryD's blog (Acts of the Apostasy) I learned that, after hearing of the dismissal,many of Shea's detractors were "shamefully gleeful", leaving snarky comments on more than a few websites and blogs.

One blog even has a online poll, asking readers if Mark Shea is a Catholic.

Many of Shea's critics are also calling for the dismissal of Shea's Internet friend, Simcha Fisher. More about that later.

I've had my ups and downs with Shea.....even to the point of being banned from commenting on his patheos blog; a problem later solved by my opening a second DISQUS account. However, even with these ups and downs, I have to agree with LarryD that those accusing Shea of heresy and heterodoxy are guilty of defamation.

For the record, I'm not happy about Shea's dismissal - but, their decision doesn't sadden me either. While I'm sad that Shea's family will suffer a loss of income, I understand why the Register did as they did and believe it was probably justified.

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