Thursday, May 25, 2017

Morning Chores

After my morning walk, I drove out to the property in Magatas for a few chores. There was a little bit of weeding to be done. The squash plants appear to be doing fine. With luck, we can harvest the squash in early July.

The heaviest chore involved toting water from a nearby spring. Carrying a 2 1/2 - 3 gallon bucket (can't say what the exact size is) I made three trips to the spring to top off the 20 gallon (?) plastic trash can that sets near the piggery.

My wife believes the time has come to modernize the water supply source. We have two options. We can run water lines from the main road and hook up with the municipal water provider. My wife's papa estimates that we will need to run approximately 300 meters of line. The second option would involve installing a water pump onto the property. My father-in-law has a pump, rescued from an abandoned property. There is most definitely an underground water source on our property which can be tapped into. We would only need to have to hire someone to drill down to the water.

I'm for the 2nd option - my wife supports option one. We're checking on the cost of both options. We'll make the decision on which option we'll use next month.

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