Thursday, July 27, 2017

Measuring This Morning's Walk

This morning, I made a change in my walking routine. Rather than walk from our apartment, in the direction of the public market, I walked in the opposite direction toward the national highway. I wanted to measure my distance and time today, using an iPhone as a stopwatch and using Google Maps to determine the distance.

According to Google Maps, the distance covered one-way was 1.7 kilometers (1.05 miles) - a total round trip of 3.7 km (2.1 miles).

I checked the stopwatch at the half-way point as well as at the finish. At the half-way point, my time was 18:45 (18 minutes, 45 seconds). The total walk time was 36:35. I picked up the pace slightly on the return.

According to calculations from, the over all average speed for the entire walk was 3.47 MPH. The first 1.05 mile was 3.36 MPH - the return 1.05 mile was a more respectable 3.7 MPH.

Google Maps says the one-way walk should take 21 minutes - even my 18:45 time looks good by comparison.

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