Saturday, January 4, 2020

Ad Placement

Very often, after publishing a blog post, I will return to the scene of the crime, as it were, to reread the post, to check for misspellings, typos and that sort of thing. The truth be told, I'm not as good an editor as I should be.

While looking over my latest posts, I noticed the "random" Google ad that made it's appearance between Vern the Vlogger and The Interview .

As one can see from the screenshot I've posted, the Google ad is for a place called thecreationof - a product for quick hair regrowth. One can also see from the photos in those two posts and the accompanying Youtube video that both Vern and myself do you say it..... follically challenged.

It's hard for me to believe that this ad placement was simply a coincidence. You can't tell me that Google doesn't spy on our online activity.

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