Friday, January 17, 2020

Beau Sabreur

I've just finished reading the sequel to P.C. Wren's Beau Geste - Beau Sabreur.

As much as I enjoyed Beau Geste, I was expecting more from the sequel. Sadly, I have to agree with the New York Times' assessment - "preposterous plot and inconceivable characters."

Most of Part One was of an par with Beau Geste, but towards the end of Part One, and in all of Part Two the writing was shoddy, pulp fiction. I could not take the work seriously.

I don't know if I'll go on to the next sequel - Beau Ideal.

If I'm still in the mood to read about a Frenchman in North Africa, I'll re-read a much more serious novel - The Stranger by Albert Camus.

A much more substantial review of Beau Sabreur can be found at

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